首页> 外文期刊>Journal of chromatography, A: Including electrophoresis and other separation methods >Double opposite end injection capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductometric detection for simultaneous determination of chloride, sodium and potassium in cystic fibrosis diagnosis

Double opposite end injection capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductometric detection for simultaneous determination of chloride, sodium and potassium in cystic fibrosis diagnosis


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A novel approach for diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is presented. A simple and fast procedure to obtain sweat sample was developed. It consists of repeatedly wiping the skin of the forearm with deionized water moisturized cotton swab and extraction in 1 mL of deionized water. Double opposite end injection capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductometric detection is used for the analysis of the extract. Chloride, sodium and potassium as the three target ions that participate in the ion transfer across the cellular membranes, and are affected by CF, are simultaneously determined in approximately 3 min in a background electrolyte containing 20 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid, 20 mM l-histidine and 2mM 18-crown-6. By using the target ion ratios rather than the concentrations of each individual ion combined with principal component analysis, the diagnosis of CF can be made more accurately and greatly reduce the number of false positive or negative results as is often the case when single ion (chloride) is analyzed.
机译:介绍了一种诊断囊性纤维化的新方法。开发了一种简单快速的过程来获得汗液样品。它包括用去离子水润湿的棉签反复擦拭前臂皮肤,然后在1 mL去离子水中提取。带有非接触电导检测的双相对端注射毛细管电泳用于分析提取物。在大约20分钟内,在含有20 mM 2-(N-吗啉代)乙磺酸的背景电解液中,同时测定了氯离子,钠离子和钾离子作为三个目标离子,它们参与了跨细胞膜的离子转移并受CF影响。 ,20 mM 1-组氨酸和2mM 18-crown-6。通过使用目标离子比率而不是每个离子的浓度与主成分分析相结合,可以更准确地进行CF的诊断,并大大减少了假阳性或阴性结果的数量,这与单离子(氯离子)比较常见)进行分析。



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