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Cik1 targets the minus-end kinesin depolymerase Kar3 to microtubule plus ends


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Kar3, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kinesin-14, is essential for karyogamy and meiosis I but also has specific functions during vegetative growth [1-7]. For its various roles, Kar3 forms a heterodimer with either Cik1 or Vik1, both of which are noncatalytic polypeptides [8-11]. Here, we present the first biochemical characterization of Kar3Cik1, the kinesin motor that is essential for karyogamy [8-11]. Kar3Cik1 depolymerizes microtubules from the plus end and promotes robust minus-end-directed microtubule gliding. Immunolocalization studies show that Kar3Cik1 binds preferentially to one end of the microtubule, whereas the Kar3 motor domain, in the absence of Cik1, exhibits significantly higher microtubule lattice binding. Kar3Cik1-promoted microtubule depolymerization requires ATP turnover, and the kinetics fit a single exponential function. The disassembly mechanism is not microtubule catastrophe like that induced by the MCAK Kinesin-13s (12-18]. Soluble tubulin does not activate the ATPase activity of Kar3Cik1, and there is no evidence of Kar3Cik1-etubulin complex formation as observed for MCAK [12, 13, 15, 16, 18]. These results reveal a novel mechanism to regulate microtubule depolymerization. We propose that Cik1 targets Kar3 to the microtubule plus end. Kar3Cik1 then uses its minus-end-directed force to depolymerize microtubules from the plus end, with each tubulin-subunit release event tightly coupled to one ATP turnover.
机译:Kar3,一种酿酒酵母Kinesin-14,对于核型和减数分裂I是必不可少的,但在营养生长过程中也具有特定功能[1-7]。由于其各种作用,Kar3与Cik1或Vik1形成异源二聚体,两者均为非催化多肽[8-11]。在这里,我们提出Kar3Cik1的第一个生化特征,Kar3Cik1是核分裂运动必不可少的驱动蛋白运动[8-11]。 Kar3Cik1从正末端解聚微管,并促进健壮的负端定向微管滑动。免疫定位研究表明,Kar3Cik1优先与微管的一端结合,而在没有Cik1的情况下,Kar3电机域表现出明显更高的微管晶格结合。 Kar3Cik1促进的微管解聚需要ATP转换,并且动力学符合单个指数函数。分解机制并非像MCAK Kinesin-13s所引起的那样,是微管灾难(12-18)。可溶性微管蛋白不激活Kar3Cik1的ATPase活性,也没有像MCAK观察到的那样形成Kar3Cik1-etubulin复合物的证据[12 ,(13,15,16,16,18)。这些结果揭示了调节微管解聚的新机制:我们建议Cik1将Kar3靶向微管正末端,然后Kar3Cik1使用其负端方向的力从正末端解聚微管。 ,每个微管蛋白亚基的释放事件与一个ATP转换紧密相关。



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