首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Micromorphology of Macromolecular Superabsorbent Polymer and its Fractal Characteristics

Micromorphology of Macromolecular Superabsorbent Polymer and its Fractal Characteristics


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Superabsorbent polymer (SAP) can absorb a solution of 10-folds to 1000-folds as much as its own weight. Its micromorphology directly affects its water absorption mechanism and absorption characteristics. In this work, we selected three types of polymer products for research analysis: KH (sodium polyacrylate-type), HLM (polyacrylamide-type), and AS (polyacrylamide-kaliumcrylic acid-crosslinking-copolymer-type). The environmental scanning electronic microscope (ESEM) method and the fractal theory are applied for studying the micromorphology of the three types of SAPs. The results show that KH possesses the highest water absorption multiplying factor and HLM possesses the lowest one. Under the condition of repeated water absorption and water release, the structure of FILM hydrogel transfers from gridding membrane to network structure. Various types of cation solutions significantly affect the characteristics of micromorphology of HLM hydrogel, and both uniqueness and diversity prevail. Under the condition of repeated water absorption and water release, the swelling multiplying factor of HLM in deionized water abides by an "inverted U" distribution. The water absorption multiplying factor for the third time is the largest one. This is primarily caused by both reduction of resilience of crosslinking network and dissolution of polymer on the surface of hydrogel under the condition of repeated water absorption and water release. The boundary of hydrogel pore network of the three types of SAPs possesses fractal characteristics. The number of fractal dimensions is as follows: fractal dimension of HLM < fractal dimension of AS < fractal dimension of KH. With the increase of the number of repeated water absorption and water release, the number of fractal dimensions of cross-sectional pore boundary reduces, that is, T1 (1.3848) > T3 (1.2100) > T5 (1.1226).
机译:高吸收性聚合物(SAP)可以吸收其自身重量10倍至1000倍的溶液。它的微观形态直接影响其吸水机理和吸收特性。在这项工作中,我们选择了三种类型的聚合物产品进行研究分析:KH(聚丙烯酸钠型),HLM(聚丙烯酰胺型)和AS(聚丙烯酰胺-钾酸交联共聚物型)。应用环境扫描电子显微镜(ESEM)方法和分形理论研究了三种类型SAP的微观形貌。结果表明,KH的吸水率倍数最高,HLM的吸水率倍数最低。在反复吸水和放水的条件下,FILM水凝胶的结构从网格膜转移到网络结构。各种类型的阳离子溶液会显着影响HLM水凝胶的微观形貌特征,并且独特性和多样性都占主导。在反复吸水和放水的条件下,去离子水中HLM的溶胀倍增因子遵循“倒U”型分布。第三倍的吸水率是最大的倍数。这主要是由于在重复吸水和放水的条件下交联网络的回弹性降低和聚合物在水凝胶表面的溶解所致。三种类型的SAP的水凝胶孔网络的边界具有分形特征。分形维数如下:HLM的分形维数 T3(1.2100)> T5(1.1226)。



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