首页> 外文期刊>Cryobiology: International Journal of Low Temperature Biology and Medicine >Numerical investigation into thermal effects of pre-cooling zone in vitrification-based cryopreservation process

Numerical investigation into thermal effects of pre-cooling zone in vitrification-based cryopreservation process


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Most studies on ultra-fast cryopreservation assume an immediate placement of the cryopreservation tube in the liquid nitrogen tank. However, in practice, before the tube is placed into the liquid nitrogen, it passes through a space containing gaseous nitrogen (pre-cooling zone) formed via the evaporation of the bulk liquid nitrogen. Comparing with ultra-fast cryopreservation, the cooling rate is insufficiently high during the falling transition to vitrify the liquid. As the tube passes through this region, its temperature may fall to the temperature required for the formation of ice crystals, and thus cell damage may occur. Consequently, in optimizing the cryopreservation process, the effects of this transition region should be properly understood. Accordingly, the present study utilizes a thermal model to investigate the temperature variation in the tube as it falls through the pre-cooling region. The simulation results show that the cooling rate within the tube increases with an increasing tube velocity. Furthermore, the results reveal that the cooling rate at the front end of the tube is higher than that at any other position of the tube. Thus, to prevent the formation of ice crystals, the material used to seal the front end of the tube should have a low thermal conductivity. In addition, a streamlined design of the front end of the tube is advised. Finally, the cooling rate within the tube depends on the tube material as well as the falling speed. The height of the pre-cooling zone needs to be carefully designed based on the tube material and falling speed, thus the ice crystal formation can be prevented. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:大多数有关超快速冷冻保存的研究都假定立即将冷冻保存管放置在液氮罐中。然而,实际上,在将管放入液氮中之前,其经过包含通过气态氮的蒸发形成的气态氮的空间(预冷却区)。与超快速冷冻保存相比,在下降过渡期间冷却速度不足以使液体玻璃化。当管子穿过该区域时,其温度可能会降至形成冰晶所需的温度,因此可能会发生细胞损坏。因此,在优化低温保存过程中,应适当了解此过渡区域的影响。因此,本研究利用热模型来研究管子经过预冷却区时的温度变化。仿真结果表明,管内的冷却速率随管速的增加而增加。此外,结果表明,在管的前端的冷却速率高于在管的任何其他位置的冷却速率。因此,为了防止形成冰晶,用于密封管子前端的材料应具有较低的热导率。另外,建议使用简化的管子前端设计。最后,管内的冷却速度取决于管的材料以及下降速度。预冷区的高度需要根据试管材料和下落速度进行仔细设计,从而可以防止冰晶形成。 (C)2014 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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