首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Effect of Cooking on Meat Proteins: Mapping Hydrothermal Protein Modification as a Potential Indicator of Bioavailability

Effect of Cooking on Meat Proteins: Mapping Hydrothermal Protein Modification as a Potential Indicator of Bioavailability


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Thermal treatment of meat proteins induces a range of observable and molecular-level changes. In order to understand and track these heat-induced modifications at the amino acid level, various analytical techniques were used. Changes were observed both in the soluble and in the insoluble fractions after hydrothermal treatment of minced beef samples. Redox proteomics clearly indicated increasing oxidative modification of proteins with increased heat exposure. Collagens in the soluble fraction and myosin in the insoluble fraction were found to be highly susceptible to such modifications. Maillard reaction products in the insoluble and pyrrolidone formation in the soluble fraction steadily increased with increased heat exposure. Fluorescence studies indicated a rapid increase in fluorescence with heat, suggesting the formation of advanced glycation end products. Overall these results provide a deeper understanding of the effect of cooking on meat proteins and the possible relationship to processing conditions in meat-derived food.



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