首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Nondestructive Raman Analysis of Polyacetylenes in Apiaceae Vegetables

Nondestructive Raman Analysis of Polyacetylenes in Apiaceae Vegetables


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Food plants from the Apiaceae family have been found to demonstrate health-promoting properties. Polyacetylenes are bioactive compounds that are considered to contribute substantially to the beneficial properties of Apiaceae plants. This study applied a Raman mapping technique in the investigation of polyacetylene spatial distribution in fresh roots of some Apiaceae species. Fresh root sections were measured directly without any preliminary preparation. For three Apiaceae species, that is, parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.), celeriac (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum L.), and parsley (Petroselinum crispum), the presence of polyacetylenes was confirmed due to the detection of strong and well-separated Raman signals of symmetric —C≡C-C≡C- stretching vibration in the range of 2200—2300 cm~(-1). The spectra were used for generation of two-dimensional maps applying the integration and cluster analysis methods. The Raman maps visualized the distribution of total polyacetylenes as well as individual compounds. Heterogeneous and tissue-specific occurrence of polyacetylenes in roots is shown.
机译:已发现the科的食用植物具有促进健康的特性。聚乙炔是一种生物活性化合物,被认为可对to科的有益特性做出重大贡献。这项研究应用拉曼作图技术研究某些A科的新鲜根中的聚乙炔空间分布。直接测量新鲜的根切片,无需任何初步准备。对于三种蚜虫科,即欧洲防风草(Pastinaca sativa L.),芹菜属(Apiumgravolens var。rapaceum L.)和欧芹(Petroselinum crispum),由于检测到强力且分离良好,因此证实存在聚乙炔对称的-C≡CC≡C-拉伸振动的拉曼信号在2200-2300 cm〜(-1)范围内。使用积分和聚类分析方法,将光谱用于生成二维图。拉曼图使总的乙炔以及各个化合物的分布可视化。显示了根中聚乙炔的异质和组织特异性发生。



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