首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Lipase-Catalyzed Esterification of Ferulic Acid with Oleyl Alcohol in Ionic Liquid/lsooctane Binary Systems

Lipase-Catalyzed Esterification of Ferulic Acid with Oleyl Alcohol in Ionic Liquid/lsooctane Binary Systems


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Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of ferulic acid oleyl alcohol ester in an ionic liquid (IL)/isooctane system was investigated. Considerable byconversion and volumetric productivity were achieved in inexpensive 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluoro-phosphate ([Hmim][PF6]) and 1-methyl-3-octylimidazohum hexafluorophosphate ([Ornim][PF6]) mediated systems, and thus, the two types of ILs were selected for further optimization of variables. The results showed that, before reaching a maximum, the increase of ferulic acid concentration, temperature, or enzyme dosage led to an increase in volumetric productivity. Variations of the ratios of IL/isooctane and concentrations of oleyl alcohol also profoundly affected the volumetric productivity. To a higher extent, [Hmim] [PF6] /isoooctane and [Omim] [PF6] /isooctane show similar reaction behaviors. Under the optimized reaction conditions (60 °C, 150 mg of Novozym 435 and 100 mg of molecular sieves), up to 48.50 mg/mL productivity of oleyl feruleate could be achieved for the. [Hmim] [PF6]/isooctane (0.5 mL/1.5 mL) system with a substrate concentration of ferulic acid of 0.08 mmol/mL and oleyl alcohol of0.32mmol; while an optimum volumetric productivity of 26.92 mg/mL was obtained for the [Omim] [PF6]/ isooctane (0.5 mL/1.5 mL) system under a similar reaction condition other than the substrate concentrations of ferulic acid at 0.05 mmol/mL and oleyl alcohol at 0.20 mmol.
机译:研究了脂肪酶在离子液体(IL)/异辛烷体系中催化合成阿魏酸油醇酯。在便宜的1-己基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐([Hmim] [PF6])和1-甲基-3-辛基咪唑六氟磷酸盐([Ornim] [PF6])介导的系统中实现了相当高的转化率和体积生产率。选择两种类型的IL,以进一步优化变量。结果表明,在达到最大值之前,阿魏酸浓度,温度或酶剂量的增加导致体积生产率的提高。 IL /异辛烷之比和油醇浓度的变化也深刻影响了容积生产率。 [Hmim] [PF6] /异辛烷和[Omim] [PF6] /异辛烷在更大程度上显示出相似的反应行为。在优化的反应条件下(60°C,150 mg Novozym 435和100 mg分子筛),可实现高达48.50 mg / mL的油酸阿魏酸酯产率。 [Hmim] [PF6] /异辛烷(0.5 mL / 1.5 mL)体系,阿魏酸底物浓度为0.08 mmol / mL,油醇为0.32mmol;而[Omim] [PF6] /异辛烷(0.5 mL / 1.5 mL)系统在相似的反应条件下获得了26.92 mg / mL的最佳体积生产率,但底物浓度为0.05 mmol / mL的阿魏酸和油基除外0.20 mmol的乙醇。



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