首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Transformation Kinetics and Mechanism of the Sulfonylurea Herbicides Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl and Halosulfuron Methyl in Aqueous Solutions

Transformation Kinetics and Mechanism of the Sulfonylurea Herbicides Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl and Halosulfuron Methyl in Aqueous Solutions


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Pyrazosulfuron ethyl (PE) and halosulfuron methyl (HM) are two new highly active sulfonylurea herbicides that have been widely used for weed control in a variety of vegetables and other crops. These two herbicides have similar molecular structures, differing only in the substitutions on the pyrazole ring. Chemical hydrolysis is a primary process affecting the environmental fate of sulfonylurea pesticides. The hydrolytic transformation kinetics of PE and HM were investigated as a function of pH and temperature. For both herbicides, the hydrolysis rate was pH-dependent and increased with increasing temperature. The hydrolysis of both sulfonylureas was much faster in acidic or basic media than under neutral conditions. Identification of hydrolytic products by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LOMS) suggested that both PE and HM were subject to cleavage and contraction of the sulfonylurea bridge. The hydrolysis rate of HM was significantly higher than that of PE in alkaline solutions, despite their structural similarity. A chlorine substitution on HM's pyrazole ring makes HM more susceptible to bridge contraction than PE under basic conditions. The hydrolysis of HM and PE was relatively unaffected by the presence of cyclic oligosaccharides (cyclodextrins), indicating that natural OH-containing organic compounds occurring in aquatic environments may have little impact on the transformation of these sulfonylurea herbicides.
机译:吡唑磺隆乙基(PE)和卤磺隆甲基(HM)是两种新型的高活性磺酰脲类除草剂,已广泛用于各种蔬菜和其他农作物的杂草控制。这两种除草剂具有相似的分子结构,仅在吡唑环上的取代不同。化学水解是影响磺酰脲类农药环境命运的主要过程。研究了PE和HM的水解转化动力学与pH和温度的关系。对于这两种除草剂,水解速率均取决于pH,并且随温度升高而增加。在酸性或碱性介质中,两种磺酰脲的水解都比在中性条件下快得多。通过液相色谱-质谱(LOMS)鉴定水解产物表明,PE和HM均会受到磺酰脲桥的裂解和收缩。尽管在结构上相似,但在碱性溶液中,HM的水解速率明显高于PE。在碱性条件下,HM的吡唑环上的氯取代基使PE比PE更容易发生桥收缩。 HM和PE的水解相对不受环状寡糖(环糊精)的存在的影响,表明在水生环境中存在的天然含OH的有机化合物可能对这些磺酰脲类除草剂的转化影响很小。



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