首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Effects of Anthocyanins on Psychological Stress-Induced Oxidative Stress and Neurotransmitter Status

Effects of Anthocyanins on Psychological Stress-Induced Oxidative Stress and Neurotransmitter Status


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There is strong evidence that oxidative stress participates in the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's diseases. Moreover, emotional stress effects in the central nervous system play a vital role in homeostasis. The protective effect of anthocyanins on the cerebral oxidative stress was studied using the whiskers cut model. In mice, such treatment causes psychological or emotional distress leading to oxidative stress in tissues. To investigate the in vivo antioxidant activity of anthocyanins, an extract of Vaccinium myrtillis L, an anthocyanin mixture, was orally administered (100 mg/kg of body weight.) to mice for 7 days, and then psychological stress was assessed by cutting off their whiskers. Whisker removal increased both protein carbonyl formation and lipid peroxidation in the brain, heart, kidney, and liver. Further, the levels of oxidative markers showed regional differences in the brain. Concomitantly, dopamine neurotransmitter levels were altered in both the midbrain and the brain cortex. Orally administered anthocyanins were also active in the brain, suppressing stress-induced cerebral oxidative stress and dopamine abnormalities in distressed mice. These effects of anthocyanin treatment suggest their possible usefulness for the treatment of cerebral disorders related to oxidative stress.
机译:有强有力的证据表明氧化应激参与了帕金森氏病和阿尔茨海默氏病等神经退行性疾病的病因。此外,中枢神经系统的情绪应激效应在体内平衡中起着至关重要的作用。使用晶须切割模型研究了花色苷对脑部氧化应激的保护作用。在小鼠中,这种治疗引起心理或情绪困扰,从而导致组织中的氧化应激。为了研究花色苷的体内抗氧化活性,将花色苷混合物Vaccinium myrtillis L的提取物(每公斤体重100 mg)口服给予小鼠7天,然后通过切断小鼠的心理压力来评估其心理压力。晶须。晶须的去除增加了脑,心脏,肾脏和肝脏中蛋白质羰基的形成和脂质过氧化作用。此外,氧化标记物的水平显示出大脑中的区域差异。同时,中脑和大脑皮层中的多巴胺神经递质水平均发生改变。口服施用的花色苷在大脑中也很活跃,可以抑制应激小鼠的应激诱导的脑氧化应激和多巴胺异常。花青素治疗的这些作用表明它们可能用于治疗与氧化应激有关的脑部疾病。



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