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Researchers ponder aspirin's potential in preventing cancer


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A review article published online August 5 might leave some readers wondering whether it's time to start adding aspirin to the drinking water. The article, written by a team of US and European scientists, concludes that the benefits of daily, long-term aspirin use outweigh the potential harms-namely gastrointestinal (Gl) bleeding and hemorrhagic stroke-for a large swath of the middle-aged population (Cuzick J et al. Ann Oncol. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdu225 [published online August 5, 2014]). While it's no surprise that aspirin can protect against cardiovascular events, the drug's added value is that it appears to reduce the risk of a variety of cancers, according to the report.
机译:8月5日在线发表的一篇评论文章可能会让一些读者想知道是否该是时候开始向饮用水中添加阿司匹林了。由美国和欧洲科学家团队撰写的文章得出的结论是,对于大量的中年人群,每天长期服用阿司匹林的益处大于潜在的危害,即胃肠道出血和出血性中风(Cuzick J等人,Ann Oncol。doi:10.1093 / annonc / mdu225 [2014年8月5日在线发布])。该报告称,尽管阿司匹林可以预防心血管事件也就不足为奇了,但该药物的附加价值在于它可以降低罹患各种癌症的风险。



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