首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Striving for a more perfect peer review: Editors confront strengths, flaws of biomedical literature

Striving for a more perfect peer review: Editors confront strengths, flaws of biomedical literature


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The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued its final guidance for developers of mobile medical apps being used on smartphones, tablets, and other devices for a variety of health-related tasks, from tracking an individual's fitness to wireless remote control of computed tomography machines. The FDA, citing industry estimates, said that 500 million smartphone users worldwide will use a health care app by 2015. Some predict apps will allow physicians todiagnose patients with potentially life-threatening condition outside of traditional health care settings and help individuals manage their health and wellness and gain access to useful information whenever and wherever they need it.
机译:美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)已发布了最终指南,适用于在智能手机,平板电脑和其他设备上使用的移动医疗应用程序的开发人员,这些程序可用于执行各种与健康相关的任务,从跟踪个人的健康状况到计算机的无线远程控制断层扫描机。 FDA援引业界估计,说到2015年,全球将有5亿智能手机用户使用医疗保健应用程序。一些预测应用程序将使医生能够诊断在传统医疗保健环境之外有潜在生命危险的患者,并帮助个人管理健康和健康并随时随地获取有用信息。



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