首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Reporting of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Randomized Trials The CONSORT PRO Extension

Reporting of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Randomized Trials The CONSORT PRO Extension

机译:在随机试验中报告患者报告的结果CONSORT PRO Extension

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The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement alms to improve the reporting of randomized controlled trials (RCTs); however, it lacks guidance on the reporting of patient-reported outcomes (PRGs), which are often inadequately reported in trials, thus limiting the value of these data. In this article, we describe the development .of the CONSORT PRO extension based on the methodological framework for guideline development proposed by the Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research (EQUATOR) Network. Five CONSORT PRO checklist items are recommended for RCTs in which PROs are primary or important secondary end points. These recommendations urge that the PROs be identified as a primary or secondary outcome in the abstract, that a description of the hypothesis of the PROs and relevant domains be provided (ie, if a multidimensional PRO tool has been used), that evidence of the PRO instrument's validity and reliability be provided or cited, that the statistical approaches for dealing with missing data be explicitly stated, and that PRO-specific limitations of study findings and generalizability of results to other populations and clinical practice be discussed. Examples and an updated CONSORT flow diagram with PRO items are provided. It is recommended that the CONSORT PRO guidance supplement the standard CONSORT guidelines for reporting RCTs with PROs as primary or secondary outcomes. Improved reporting of PRO data should facilitate robust interpretation of the results from RCTs and inform patient care.
机译:CONSORT(报告试验综合标准)声明施舍,以改善随机对照试验(RCT)的报告;但是,它缺乏有关患者报告结果(PRG)的报告指南,而这些报告在试验中经常报告不充分,因此限制了这些数据的价值。在本文中,我们基于增强健康研究(EQUATOR)网络的质量和透明度提出的指南制定方法框架,描述了CONSORT PRO扩展的开发。对于以PRO为主要或重要次要终点的RCT,建议使用五个CONSORT PRO清单。这些建议敦促在摘要中将PRO识别为主要或次要结果,并提供PRO假设和相关领域的描述(即,如果使用了多维PRO工具),则应证明PRO的证据提供或引用该仪器的有效性和可靠性,明确说明处理缺失数据的统计方法,并讨论PRO特定的研究结果局限性以及结果对其他人群和临床实践的推广性。提供了带有PRO项目的示例和更新的CONSORT流程图。建议CONSORT PRO指南补充标准的CONSORT指南,用于报告以PRO为主要或次要结果的RCT。改进的PRO数据报告应有助于对RCT结果进行可靠的解释,并为患者提供护理。



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