首页> 外文期刊>Dalton transactions: An international journal of inorganic chemistry >The concept of mixed organic ligands in metal-organic frameworks: design, tuning and functions

The concept of mixed organic ligands in metal-organic frameworks: design, tuning and functions


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The research on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) has been developing at an extraordinary pace in its two decades of existence, as judged by the exponential growth of novel structures and the constant expansion of its applicability and research scope. A major part of the research and its success are due to the vital role of the concept of mixed organic ligands in the design, tuning and functions. This perspective, therefore, reviews the recent advances in MOFs based on this concept, which is generally based on employing a small polydentate ligand (here labelled as "nodal ligand") to form either clusters, rods or layers, which are then connected by a second ditopic linker ligand to form the framework. The structures of the materials can be grouped into the following three categories: layer-spacer (usually known as pillared- layer), rod-spacer, and cluster-spacer based MOFs. Depending on the size and geometry of the spacer ligands, interpenetrations of frameworks are occasionally found. These MOFs show a wide range of properties such as (a) crystal-to-crystal transformations upon solvent modifications, post-synthetic metal exchange or ligand reactions, (b) gas sorption, solvent selectivity and purification, (c) specific catalysis, (d) optical properties including colour change, luminescence, non-linear optic, (e) short-and long range magnetic ordering, metamagnetism and reversible ground-state modifications and (f) drug and iodine carriers with controlled release. In the following, we will highlight the importance of the above concept in the design, tuning, and functions of a selection of existing MOFs having mixed organic ligands and their associated structures and properties. The results obtained so far using this concept look very promising for fine-tuning the pore size and shape for selective adsorption and specificity in catalytic reactions, which appears to be one way to propel the advances in the application and commercialization of MOFs.
机译:金属有机框架(MOF)的研究在其存在的二十年中一直以惊人的速度发展,这可以通过新颖结构的指数增长以及其适用性和研究范围的不断扩大来判断。这项研究的主要部分及其成功归因于混合有机配体概念在设计,调节和功能方面的重要作用。因此,此观点回顾了基于此概念的MOF的最新进展,该概念通常是基于采用小的多齿配体(在此标记为“节点配体”)形成簇,棒或层,然后通过分子连接第二个双位连接体配体形成框架。材料的结构可分为以下三类:层间隔物(通常称为柱状层),棒状间隔物和基于簇间隔物的MOF。根据间隔基配体的大小和几何形状,有时会发现骨架互穿。这些MOF表现出广泛的性能,例如(a)溶剂改性后的晶体到晶体的转化,合成后金属交换或配体反应,(b)气体吸附,溶剂选择性和纯化,(c)特定催化作用,( d)光学性质,包括颜色变化,发光,非线性光学,(e)短程和长程磁有序,超磁性和可逆的基态修饰,以及(f)控释的药物和碘载体。在下文中,我们将强调上述概念在选择,混合有机配体及其相关结构和性能的现有MOF的设计,调整和功能中的重要性。迄今为止,使用该概念获得的结果对于微调用于选择性吸附和催化反应特异性的孔径和形状非常有希望,这似乎是推动MOF的应用和商业化的一种方式。



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