首页> 外文期刊>Vaccine >Preventing hepatitis B though universal vaccination: reduction of inequalities through the GAVI China project. (Special Issue: Hepatitis B and the impact of immunization in China and the WHO Western Pacific Region.)

Preventing hepatitis B though universal vaccination: reduction of inequalities through the GAVI China project. (Special Issue: Hepatitis B and the impact of immunization in China and the WHO Western Pacific Region.)

机译:通过通用疫苗预防乙型肝炎:通过GAVI中国项目减少不平等现象。 (特刊:乙肝和免疫接种在中国和世界卫生组织西太平洋区域的影响。)

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Objective: In order to measure hepatitis B coverage and progress in equality with respect to protection against hepatitis B in poverty-affected areas funded by the Global Alliance on Vaccine and Immunization project funded in poverty-affected counties. Methods: We reviewed routinely reported coverage data and conducted a national stratified, validation, cross-sectional survey in October 2010, according to WHO recommended sampling method. First, we stratified China into three regions (Eastern, Central and Western) based on economic criteria. Second, in each region, we selected eight counties with a probability proportional to population size. Third, in each selected county, we selected (a) 10 townships at random among the list of townships of the county. Results: We visited 244 townships as part of the final evaluation (71 in the East, 86 in the Center and 87 in the West). Overall, in these 244 townships, surveyed TBD coverage increased from 60% in 2002 to 91% in 2009 and surveyed three dose of hepatitis B vaccine coverage increased from 71% in 2002 to 93% in 2009. Overall, in the GAVI supported areas, the HepB3/DTP3 ratio increased from 57% in 2002 to 94% in 2009. Conclusion: Pro-poor GAVI approach was an effective way to reduce inequity among children through provision of free vaccination. When vaccine and AD syringes were provided for free, they closed the gap between Eastern and Western regions and between the rich and the poor.
机译:目的:为了衡量由受贫困县资助的全球疫苗和免疫联盟项目资助的贫困地区的乙肝覆盖率和在预防乙肝方面的平等进展。方法:我们根据WHO建议的抽样方法,回顾了常规报告的覆盖率数据,并于2010年10月进行了国家分层,验证,横断面调查。首先,我们根据经济标准将中国分为三个地区(东部,中部和西部)。其次,在每个地区,我们选择了八个与人口规模成正比的县。第三,在每个选定的县中,我们在县的乡镇列表中随机选择(a)10个乡。结果:作为最终评估的一部分,我们访问了244个乡镇(东部为71个,中部为86个,西部为87个)。总体而言,在这244个乡镇中,被调查的TBD覆盖率从2002年的60%增加到2009年的91%,并且调查了三剂乙肝疫苗的覆盖率从2002年的71%增加到2009年的93%。总体而言,在GAVI支持的地区, HepB3 / DTP3比例从2002年的57%增加到2009年的94%。结论:扶贫GAVI方法是通过免费接种疫苗减少儿童不平等现象的有效方法。免费提供疫苗和AD注射器后,它们缩小了东西部地区之间以及贫富之间的差距。



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