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Pandemic influenza H1N1 2009 infection in Victoria, Australia: No evidence for harm or benefit following receipt of seasonal influenza vaccine in 2009


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Conflicting findings regarding the level of protection offered by seasonal influenza vaccination against pandemic influenza H1N1 have been reported. We performed a test-negative case control study using sentinel patients from general practices in Victoria to estimate seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness against laboratory proven infection with pandemic influenza. Cases were defined as patients with an influenza-like illness who tested positive for influenza while controls had an influenza-like illness but tested negative. We found no evidence of significant protection from seasonal vaccine against pandemic influenza virus infection in any age group. Age-stratified point estimates, adjusted for pandemic phase, ranged from 44% in persons aged less than 5 years to -103% (odds ratio =2.03) in persons aged 50-64 years. Vaccine effectiveness, adjusted for age group and pandemic phase, was 3% (95% CI -48 to 37) for all patients. Our study confirms the results from our previous interim report, and other studies, that failed to demonstrate benefit or harm from receipt of seasonal influenza vaccine in patients with confirmed infection with pandemic influenza H1N1 2009
机译:关于季节性流感疫苗对大流行性H1N1流感疫苗提供的保护水平的报道存在矛盾。我们使用维多利亚州一般做法的前哨患者进行了阴性试验病例对照研究,以估计季节性流感疫苗对实验室验证的大流行性流感感染的有效性。病例定义为患有流感样疾病的患者,其流感检测呈阳性,而对照组患有流感样疾病,但检测呈阴性。我们发现没有证据表明在任何年龄段的人群中,季节性疫苗均能有效预防大流行性流感病毒感染。根据流行病阶段调整的按年龄分层的点估计值,范围从5岁以下人群的44%到50-64岁人群的-103%(优势比= 2.03)。根据年龄组和大流行阶段调整的疫苗有效性,所有患者均为3%(95%CI -48至37)。我们的研究证实了我们之前的中期报告和其他研究的结果,这些结果未能证明接受季节性流感疫苗治疗对确诊的2009年H1N1大流行性流感患者有好处还是有危害



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