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Identifying long-term memory B-cells in vaccinated children despite waning antibody levels specific for Bordetella pertussis proteins


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Whooping cough is a respiratory disease caused by Bordetella pertussis. Since the 1950s in developed countries pertussis vaccinations are included in the national immunization program. However, antibody levels rapidly wane after both whole cell and acellular pertussis vaccination. Therefore protection against pertussis may depend largely on long-term B- and T-cell immunities. We investigated long-term pertussis-specific memory B-cell responses in children who were primed at infant age with the Dutch wP-vaccine (ISRCTN65428640). Purified B-cells were characterized by FACS-analysis and after polyclonal stimulation memory B-cells were detected by ELISPOT-assays specific for pertussis toxin, filamentous haemagglutinin, pertactin and tetanus. In addition, plasma IgG levels directed to the same antigens were measured by a fluorescent bead-based multiplex immunoassay. Two and 3 years after wP priming as well as 2 and 5 years after the aP booster at the age of 4, low plasma IgG levels to the pertussis proteins were found. At the same time, however pertussis protein-specific memory B-cells could be detected and their number increased with age. The number of tetanus-specific memory B-cells was similar in all age groups, whereas IgG-tetanus levels were high 2 years after tetanus booster compared to pre- and 5 years post-booster levels. This study shows the presence of long-term pertussis protein-specific memory B-cells in children despite waning antibody levels after vaccination, which suggests that memory B-cells in addition to antibodies may contribute to protection against pertussis
机译:百日咳是由百日咳博德特氏菌引起的呼吸系统疾病。自1950年代以来,发达国家的百日咳疫苗已纳入国家免疫规划。但是,在全细胞和无细胞百日咳疫苗接种后,抗体水平迅速下降。因此,针对百日咳的保护作用可能主要取决于长期的B细胞和T细胞免疫力。我们调查了在荷兰wP疫苗(ISRCTN65428640)引发的婴儿期患儿的长期百日咳特异性记忆B细胞应答。通过FACS分析表征纯化的B细胞,并且在多克隆刺激后,通过对百日咳毒素,丝状血凝素,百日咳杆菌粘附素和破伤风特异性的ELISPOT测定法检测B细胞。另外,通过基于荧光珠的多重免疫测定法测量针对相同抗原的血浆IgG水平。 wP引发后2年和3年,以及4岁时aP加强免疫后2年和5年,发现百日咳蛋白的血浆IgG水平较低。同时,还可以检测到百日咳蛋白特异性记忆B细胞,并且其数量随着年龄的增长而增加。在所有年龄组中,破伤风特异性记忆B细胞的数量均相似,而在加强破伤风后2年,IgG破伤风的水平高于加强前和加强后5年的水平。这项研究表明,尽管接种疫苗后抗体水平下降,儿童中仍存在长期百日咳杆菌蛋白特异性记忆B细胞,这表明除抗体外,记忆B细胞可能还有助于预防百日咳



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