
Sagging refining margins, upstream output hurt 1Q earnings for Total.


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The French energy major reported a 10% decline in 1Q net profit to $3.33B from $3.7B in 1Q 2013. Total cited a drop in refining margins in Europe due to ongoing overcapacity issues in the domestic refining sector there coupled with a drop in upstream output on the quarter due to ongoing security concerns in Libya and Nigeria coupled with the loss of an oilfield in Abu Dhabi to the UAE in Jan. The company also noted a $350MM write-off on a gas project it had hoped to develop with Russian Gazprom in the Arctic but has now been shelved due to rising costs. Commenting on the earnings report from Total analysts at Bernstein wrote in a note, "The miss came from the downstream business. Upstream net income per barrel was $15.8/boe vs. expectations for $14.3/boe due to higher equity income (from affiliates Novatek and Angola LNG)."
机译:这家法国能源巨头报告称,第一季度净利润从2013年第一季度的$ 3.7B下降了10%,从$ 3.7B下降至$3.33B。Total引用了欧洲炼油毛利的下降,这是由于该国国内炼油业的产能过剩问题以及上游产量的下降由于利比亚和尼日利亚持续存在的安全隐患,加上在1月份阿布扎比的一个油田损失给阿联酋,该公司在季度内宣布了该公司希望与俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司共同开发的天然气项目的350百万美元减记。在北极地区,但由于成本上涨而被搁置。在对伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)道达尔(Total)分析师的收益报告发表评论时,他写道:“错过的原因来自下游业务。上游每桶净收入为15.8美元/桶油当量,高于市场预期的14.3美元/桶油当量,这是由于股权收益增加(来自联营公司Novatek和安哥拉液化天然气)。”



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