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International registry in organ donation and transplantation 2010


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The International Registry in Organ Donation and Transplantation (IRODaT) seeks to support the transplant community by providing up-to-date data on organ donation and transplantation worldwide at three different levels: national, regional, and Hospital. The database provides up-to-date information provided by a network of professionals directly involved in the various stages of the donation and transplantation process. All collected data are made public online, so professionals can use them as descriptive and epidemiological references. The registry provides numbers on donors after brain death, donors after cardiac death, and living donors, as well as on specific organ transplantation activities related to the three types of organ donation. A subregistry on tissue and cell donation has been made available as well. All numbers are continuously checked, updated, and validated and, when needed, responsible representatives are contacted for the required statistics. Data on organ donation and transplantation from 2009 and 2010 have been collected from 63 countries. The information reveals a remarkable increase in the donation rate in some countries such as Croatia, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Australia, Luxemburg, Poland, Brazil, Singapore, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Romania, Bulgaria, Mexico, Russia, and Argentina. IRODaT provides data concerning the organ donation and transplantation activities for the general public and professionals around the world. National and comparative statistics generated on an international basis can be provided that is of extreme value to scientific programs and social and governmental bodies because they can support different initiatives of current practices in organ and tissue donation in any country or region of the world.
机译:国际器官捐赠和移植登记处(IRODaT)试图通过在全球三个不同级别提供有关全球器官捐赠和移植的最新数据来支持移植界:国家,地区和医院。该数据库提供了由专业人员网络直接提供的最新信息,这些专业人员直接参与了捐赠和移植过程的各个阶段。所有收集的数据都在网上公开,因此专业人员可以将其用作描述性和流行病学参考。该注册表提供有关脑死亡后的捐献者,心脏死亡后的捐献者和活体捐献者的数字,以及与这三种器官捐献有关的特定器官移植活动的数字。组织和细胞捐赠的子注册表也已提供。所有编号都会被连续检查,更新和验证,并在需要时联系负责的代表以获取所需的统计数据。从63个国家/地区收集了2009年和2010年的器官捐赠和移植数据。信息显示,某些国家(例如克罗地亚,意大利,斯洛文尼亚,捷克共和国,德国,匈牙利,澳大​​利亚,卢森堡,波兰,巴西,新加坡,伊朗,沙特阿拉伯,委内瑞拉,罗马尼亚,保加利亚,墨西哥)的捐赠率显着增加,俄罗斯和阿根廷。 IRODaT为全世界的公众和专业人员提供有关器官捐赠和移植活动的数据。可以提供在国际基础上产生的国家统计数据和比较统计数据,这对于科学计划以及社会和政府机构具有极高的价值,因为它们可以支持世界上任何国家或地区在器官和组织捐赠方面的当前实践的不同举措。



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