首页> 外文期刊>Cotton; Review of the World Situation >COTTON PRICE TRENDS IN 2014/15



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International cotton prices declined significantly in 2014/15. The Cotlook A Index, the most widely used measure of the price of cotton on the physical market, averaged 71 cents per pound, 21% lower than in 2013/14.For five consecutive seasons, world cotton production has exceeded consumption. The 2014/15 season began with a record stock of 20.3 million tons of cotton, up 13% from 2013/14. However, beginning stocks outside of China fell by 2%, from 8.4 million tonsin 2013/14 to 8.2 million tons in 2013/14. The A Index entered the season at 72.15 cts/lb on August 1, 2014, down nearly 20 cents from last season. Averaging 74 cts/lb in August 2014, the A Index peaked at 76.05 cts/lb on August 28, 2014. In September 2014, the A Index declined slightly, averaging 73.38 cts/lb and then fell further to 70.34 cts/lb in October 2014. The A Index was at its lowest for the season in November 2014, December 2014,and January 2015, averaging 67.53, 68.30 and 67.35 cts/lb, respectively. On January 26, 2015, the A Index reached its lowest point for the season at 65.30 cts/lb. From February 2015 through May 2015, the A Index grew modestly from an average of 69.84 to 72.86 cts/lb. In June and July 2015, the A Index declined slightly from the May average, and remained stable. It averaged 72.35 cts/lb in June 2015 and 72.38 cts/lb in July 2015. On July 31, 2015, the A Index reached 70.65 cts/ lb, and world-ending stocks were at a record 21.8 million tons, or nearly 90% of world consumption in 2014/15.
机译:2014/15年国际棉花价格大幅下降。 Cotlook A指数是实物市场上使用最广泛的棉花价格衡量标准,平均每磅71美分,比2013/14年度低21%。世界棉花产量已连续五个季度超过消费量。 2014/15年度开始时有创纪录的2030万吨棉花库存,比2013/14年度增长13%。但是,中国境外的初始库存下降了2%,从2013/14年度的840万吨降至2013/14年度的820万吨。 2014年8月1日,A指数以72.15克拉/磅的价格进入该季节,比上一季节下降了近20美分。 2014年8月,A指数平均为74 cts / lb,2014年8月28日达到76.05 cts / lb的峰值。2014年9月,A指数略有下降,平均为73.38 cts / lb,然后在10月份进一步降至70.34 cts / lb 2014年。A指数分别是2014年11月,2014年12月和2015年1月的最低水平,分别为67.53、68.30和67.35 cts / lb。 2015年1月26日,A指数达到了该季节的最低点65.30 cts / lb。从2015年2月到2015年5月,A指数从平均69.84克拉/磅温和增长至72.86克拉/磅。 2015年6月和7月,A指数较5月的平均值略有下降,并保持稳定。 2015年6月的平均价格为72.35 cts / lb,2015年7月的平均价格为72.38 cts /lb。2015年7月31日,A指数达到70.65 cts / lb,世界各地的库存达到创纪录的2180万吨,即近90% 2014/15年世界消费量的百分比。



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