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Wholesale:ripples made by Pfizer


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Pfizer's decision to allow its medicines to be supplied by a single distributor only (UniChem) has stung the pharmacy sector (PJ,1 October 2006,p413).Criticism has come from all quarters - wholesalers,pharmacists and the organisations that represent them,and from others who have an interest in the movement of medicines across the EU and the wider global market.There are concerns that this scheme,direct to pharmacy using a single distributor,undermines both the ability of community pharmacy to do its job and the supply chain."Since Pfizer's solus distribution model was implemented in March,several surveys of community pharmacists have taken place and each one has demonstrated that this particular model has created problems for community pharmacy," says Steve Dunn,group managing director of AAH Pharmaceuticals.
机译:辉瑞公司决定只允许由单一分销商(UniChem)提供药品,这震惊了制药行业(PJ,2006年10月1日,p413)。来自各个方面的批评都来自批发商,药剂师以及代表它们的组织,以及来自对欧盟和整个全球市场的药品转移感兴趣的其他机构。有人担心,该计划直接使用单一分销商直接进入药房,这会破坏社区药房的工作能力和供应链AAH Pharmaceuticals集团董事总经理史蒂夫·邓恩(Steve Dunn)表示:“自3月份实施辉瑞的独家分销模式以来,已经对社区药剂师进行了几次调查,每项调查都表明这一特殊模式给社区药房造成了麻烦。”



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