首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America >Imprecise vowel articulation as a potential early marker of Parkinson's disease: Effect of speaking task

Imprecise vowel articulation as a potential early marker of Parkinson's disease: Effect of speaking task


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The purpose of this study was to analyze vowel articulation across various speaking tasks in a group of 20 early Parkinson's disease (PD) individuals prior to pharmacotherapy. Vowels were extracted from sustained phonation, sentence repetition, reading passage, and monologue. Acoustic analysis was based upon measures of the first (F1) and second (F2) formant of the vowels /a/, /i/, and /u/, vowel space area (VSA), F2i/F2u and vowel articulation index (VAI). Parkinsonian speakers manifested abnormalities in vowel articulation across F2u, VSA, F2i/F2u, and VAI in all speaking tasks except sustained phonation, compared to 15 age-matched healthy control participants. Findings suggest that sustained phonation is an inappropriate task to investigate vowel articulation in early PD. In contrast, monologue was the most sensitive in differentiating between controls and PD patients, with classification accuracy up to 80%. Measurements of vowel articulation were able to capture even minor abnormalities in speech of PD patients with no perceptible dysarthria. In conclusion, impaired vowel articulation may be considered as a possible early marker of PD. A certain type of speaking task can exert significant influence on vowel articulation. Specifically, complex tasks such as monologue are more likely to elicit articulatory deficits in parkinsonian speech, compared to other speaking tasks.
机译:这项研究的目的是在药物治疗之前,对一组20位帕金森氏病(PD)早期个体的各种说话任务的元音发音进行分析。元音从持续发声,句子重复,阅读段落和独白中提取。声学分析基于元音/ a /,/ i /和/ u /的第一个(F1)和第二个(F2)共振峰,元音空间区域(VSA),F2i / F2u和元音清晰度指数(VAI)的量度)。与15位年龄相匹配的健康对照组相比,帕金森氏症患者的F2u,VSA,F2i / F2u和VAI的元音发音在除持续发声以外的所有其他语音任务中均表现出异常。研究结果表明,持续发声不是研究PD早期元音发音的不适当任务。相反,独白是区分对照组和PD患者的最敏感方法,分类准确率高达80%。在没有明显的构音障碍的PD患者的语音中,元音清晰度的测量甚至能够捕获其语音中的微小异常。总之,元音清晰度受损可能被认为是PD的早期标志。某种类型的口语任务会对元音的发音产生重大影响。具体而言,与其他口语任务相比,诸如独白之类的复杂任务更有可能引起帕金森语音中的发音缺陷。



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