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Israel-Gaza conflict


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We too share the pain of Paola Manduca and colleagues1 regarding the horrific loss of innocent civilian lives in Gaza. They, and the readers of The Lancet, should know that Israel, as acknowledged by the European Union and the USA, is making every possible effort to avoid civilian casualties. However, such prevention is extremely difficult, due to the inexcusable fact that Hamas shamefully uses its own fellow civilians as human shields. The readers of The Lancet should also know that Israel has established a field hospital at the border to treat civilians from Gaza injured in the fighting. These efforts are similar to Israel's ongoing medical treatment of Syrians injured in the far more bloody conflict (in which Israel has no part) raging north of its border.2 All these facts were not mentioned by Manduca and colleagues in their letter-either because of ignorance or purposeful political propaganda; both are unacceptable in a scientific medicaljournal.
机译:我们也与Paola Manduca及其同事1一样,为加沙无辜平民的生命遭受惨痛损失感到痛苦。他们和《柳叶刀》的读者应该知道,正如欧盟和美国所承认的那样,以色列正在尽一切可能的努力避免平民伤亡。但是,由于不可抗拒的事实是哈马斯可耻地利用自己的同胞平民作为人类的盾牌,这种预防极为困难。 《柳叶刀》的读者还应该知道,以色列在边境建立了一家野战医院,以治疗在战斗中受伤的加沙平民。这些努力类似于以色列对边界北部肆虐的血腥冲突(以色列没有参与)中正在受伤的叙利亚人的持续治疗。2曼杜卡和同事在信中没有提及所有这些事实,这是因为无知或有目的的政治宣传;两者在科学医学期刊上都是不可接受的。



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