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Israel-Gaza conflict


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As a humanitarian physician community, we grieve the loss of innocent lives. War is anathema to our moral and medical sensibilities, but nevertheless remains a reality of the present global political landscape, particularly in the Middle East where ongoing internecine struggles exist between different ideologies, killing or displacing thousands of innocent people. Before addressing the inflammatory propaganda promulgated by Paola Manduca and colleagues,1 we unequivocally state that we hope for the day when "nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore" (Isaiah 2:4).To reuse Manduca and colleagues' comments, their letter "has insulted our humanity, intelligence, and dignity and our professional ethics". They claim to represent facts, but instead obscure their description of human suffering in Gaza withjnflammatory falsehoods, deliberately misleading the reader.
机译:作为人道主义医师社区,我们为无辜者的丧生感到悲痛。战争是对我们的道义和医学敏感性的厌恶,但是仍然是当前全球政治格局的现实,尤其是在中东,那里存在着各种意识形态之间不断进行的内在斗争,杀死或流离失所的数千无辜人民。在解决保罗·曼杜卡(Paola Manduca)及其同事1进行的煽动性宣传之前,我们明确指出,我们希望这一天,“民族不再举起剑来反对国家,他们也不再学习战争”(以赛亚书2:4)。和同事们的评论,他们的信“侮辱了我们的人文,智慧,尊严和我们的职业道德”。他们声称代表事实,但掩盖了他们对加沙地带人类痛苦的描述,带有虚假的谎言,故意误导读者。



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