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Severe vasospastic angina complicated by multiple pulseless electrical activity arrests


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In May, 2012, a 46-year-old woman reported chest pain before having an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Paramedics successfully resuscitated her. The pre-arrest rhythm strip showed a sinus tachycardia only. A 12-h troponin I was raised at 5.9 ug/L (normal values 0-0.04 ug/L) A year earlier, she had been admitted with a similar history of chest pain, which had developed after taking sumatriptan for a migraine. A 12-lead electrocardiograph (ECG) showed transient inferior and lateral ST elevation. A 12-h troponin was negative. At this time, coronary angiography showed a normal left coronary system and a dominant right coronary artery, with minor ostial spasm and slow flow. A bubble study was negative for right to left shunting. She was diagnosed with vasospastic angina and started oral diltiazem. On advice, she stopped smoking and sumatriptan was discontinued. She continued to have occasional episodes of chest pain responsive to sublingual glycerol trinitrate. At the time of her cardiac arrest, her regular medications were oral diltiazem, nicorandil, lansoprazole, and a beclo-metasone inhaler. In the 48 h after the cardiac arrest she had five additional pulseless electrical activity (PEA) arrests while intubated and ventilated in the intensive care unit. These were characterised by transient ST elevation (figure) and progressive hypotension, culminating in loss of cardiac output. Each episode responded to about 15-25 min of resuscitation. In between episodes, left ventricular size and function was normal on echo-cardiography. Electrocardiography was unremarkable.
机译:2012年5月,一名46岁的妇女在院外心脏骤停之前报告了胸痛。护理人员成功地使她复活。逮捕前节律带仅显示窦性心动过速。一年前,她的12小时肌钙蛋白I升高至5.9 ug / L(正常值0-0.04 ug / L),被录入了类似的胸痛病史,该病在服用舒马普坦治疗偏头痛后出现。 12导联心电图仪(ECG)显示短暂的下,横向ST抬高。 12小时肌钙蛋白阴性。此时,冠状动脉造影显示左冠状动脉系统正常,右冠状动脉占主导,伴有轻微的眼部痉挛和血流缓慢。泡沫研究对从右到左的分流是阴性的。她被诊断出血管痉挛性心绞痛,开始口服地尔硫卓。经劝告,她停止吸烟,舒马曲坦停药。她仍然偶尔发生舌下三硝酸甘油酯引起的胸痛发作。在心脏骤停时,她的常规药物是口服地尔硫卓,尼可地尔,兰索拉唑和倍氯米松吸入器。在心脏骤停后的48小时内,在重症监护室进行插管和通气时,她又有5次无脉搏电活动(PEA)骤停。这些特征是短暂性ST升高(图)和进行性低血压,最终导致心输出量减少。每次发作对大约15-25分钟的复苏都有反应。在两次发作之间,超声心动图检查发现左心室大小和功能正常。心电图检查无异常。



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