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Care assessment's difficult relation with maternal mortality


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The notion that severe maternal outcomes (SMOs) should be reduced by the essential interventions (eg, prophylactic or therapeutic uterotonic and magnesium sulphate for eclampsia) that have been promoted extensively in the past 10 years by various UN agencies is widely accepted. However, quantification of rates of SMO around the world is challenging because of different definitions in use. In the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health, published in The Lancet, Joao Paulo Souza and colleagues1 have produced a definition of SMO, including near-miss events, and have undertaken a large international survey to assess the effects of essential interventions on maternal outcomes. Their cross-sectional study took place in 357 health-care facilities in 29 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. 314623 women who delivered in the participating hospitals or were admitted for a complication of the first trimester of pregnancy were included. 23015 (7%) of these women had potentially life-threatening conditions and 3024 (about 1%) developed an SMO, including 2538 near-miss cases (0-8%). Cardiovascular, respiratory, and coagulation dysfunctions were the most frequent organ dysfunctions in women with an SMO. Comparing expected and observed case fatality rates, termed the maternal severity index, provided a reliable indicator of health-care performance.
机译:在过去的十年中,联合国各机构广泛推广的基本干预措施(例如预防或治疗子宫内缩醛酸和子痫性硫酸镁)应减少严重的产妇预后(SMOs)。但是,由于使用的定义不同,因此全世界SMO率的量化具有挑战性。 Joao Paulo Souza及其同事在《柳叶刀》上发表的《世界卫生组织孕产妇和新生儿健康多国调查》 1中,对SMO进行了定义,包括未遂事件,并进行了一项大型国际调查,以评估基本干预措施对孕产妇的影响结果。他们的横断面研究在非洲,亚洲,拉丁美洲和中东的29个国家的357个医疗机构中进行。包括在参与医院分娩或因妊娠早三个月而入院的314623名妇女。这些妇女中有23015(7%)有可能危及生命的状况,有3024(约1%)患有SMO,包括2538例未遂病例(0-8%)。患有SMO的女性最常见的器官,功能障碍是心血管,呼吸和凝血功能障碍。比较预期和观察到的病死率(称为孕产妇严重性指数),可以提供健康状况的可靠指标。



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