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The dangers of being born too small or too soon


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Birth is dangerous, especially for infants born too small or too soon. Although much is known about the mortality risk for such infants in high-income countries, little is known about the risk in poorer countries. In The Lancet, Joanne Katz and colleagues begin to fill in the gap on just how dangerous it is to be born too small or too soon in a low-income or middle-income country/The investigators analysed more than 2 million birth outcomes from resource-poor countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and calculated the regional risk of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality associated with being born preterm, small-for-gestational age (SGA), or both. Using data from 20 cohorts in 13 countries, Katz and colleagues show that being born SGA increased the risk of neonatal mortality by two to five times across the three regions, but being born preterm (<37 completed weeks of gestation) raised the risk by six to 26 times. When children were born both SGA and preterm, neonatal mortality was ten to 39 times higher than in otherwise normal neonates. These findings provide the first solid estimates of the excess risk of dying for infants in these categories of births for countries where 135 million babies are born every year. Katz and colleagues' findings advance our knowledge by going beyond the use of low birthweight (<2500 g) as a means of identifying infants in danger. The low birthweight category includes both premature and growth-restricted infants.
机译:出生是危险的,特别是对于太小或太早出生的婴儿。尽管在高收入国家对此类婴儿的死亡风险知之甚少,但在较贫穷国家对该风险的了解却很少。在《柳叶刀》杂志上,乔安妮·卡兹(Joanne Katz)及其同事开始填补在低收入或中等收入国家过小或过早生育的危险程度的差距/研究人员从资源中分析了超过200万的出生结局-亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲的贫困国家/地区,并计算了与出生早产,小胎龄(SGA)或两者相关的新生儿和新生儿死亡的区域风险。 Katz及其同事使用来自13个国家/地区的20个队列的数据显示,出生的SGA在三个区域中使新生儿死亡的风险增加了2至5倍,但是早产(小于37个完整妊娠周)的出生风险增加了6倍到26次当SGA和早产儿均出生时,新生儿死亡率是其他正常新生儿的10至39倍。这些发现首次可靠地估计了在每年出生1.35亿婴儿的国家中这些类别的婴儿中死亡的额外风险。 Katz及其同事的发现超越了使用低出生体重(<2500 g)作为识别有危险的婴儿的手段,进一步提高了我们的知识。低出生体重类别包括早产和生长受限的婴儿。



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