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Secondary rise in blood pressure after renal denervation


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In July, 2011, a 58-year-old man with type II diabetes and hypertension resistant to treatment was referred to our hospital for renal denervation. He had had hypertension for 30 years and his antihypertensive medication dose had been increased over several years. In 2001, he had a minor stroke, and in 2009, a carotid artery stent was implanted. On examination, his blood pressure was 170/90 mm Hg despite treatment with seven anti-hypertensive drugs (appendix). Resistant hypertension was confirmed by 24 h ambulatory blood pressure measurement. He also had sleep apnoea which was treated with continuous positive airway pressure therapy. Aldosteronism, phaeochromocytoma, and renal artery stenosis were ruled out. Renal resistive indices (RI) on both sides were similar. Normal renal function with microalbuminuria was present. Magnetic resonance angiography (appendix) done before renal denervation showed early ramification but no relevant stenosis on either side.
机译:2011年7月,一名58岁患有II型糖尿病且对治疗有抵抗力的高血压患者被转诊至我院进行肾脏神经支配术。他患有高血压已有30年了,并且他的降压药物剂量在几年内有所增加。在2001年,他患有中风,并在2009年植入了颈动脉支架。经检查,尽管用七种抗高血压药治疗,他的血压仍为170/90 mm Hg(附录)。通过24小时动态血压测量可确定抵抗性高血压。他还患有睡眠呼吸暂停,接受持续气道正压通气疗法治疗。排除醛固酮增多症,嗜铬细胞瘤和肾动脉狭窄。双方的肾电阻指数(RI)相似。肾功能正常,伴微量白蛋白尿。肾脏去神经支配之前进行的磁共振血管造影(附录)显示早期分支,但两侧均无相关狭窄。



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