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Lethal injection challenged as 'cruel and unusual' fate.


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A ruling by a California judge that requires a qualified anaesthetist to be present during executions by lethal injection has postponed the planned killing of a convicted murderer-because no medical professionals could be found to participate in the procedure in time. Michael McCarthy reports.California officials have postponed the execution of a convicted murderer by lethal injection after they were unable to find medical personnel willing to participate in the execution.Lawyers for 46-year-old Michael Angelo Morales had sought a stay of execution, arguing that the state's standard execution method exposed the prisoner to excessive pain and therefore violated the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution, which forbids "cruel and unusual punishments".In 1981,Morales, then 21 years old, with his cousin Ricky Ortega, murdered 17-year-old Terri Winchell. According to prosecution testimony, Ortega was angry with Winchell because she had become the girlfriend of his homosexual lover. Morales was convicted of the crime and sentenced to death. Ortega was given a life sentence. Morales' legal appeals and petition for clemency have been rejected.Current California protocol for execution calls forthe administration of 5 g of the barbiturate sodium thiopental to induce unconsciousness, followed by 50 or 100 mg of pancuronium bromide to induce paralysis, and then 50 to 100 milliequivalents of potassium chloride to induce cardiac arrest.
机译:加利福尼亚州法官的一项裁决要求在执行死刑注射时在场的情况下,要有合格的麻醉师在场,该裁决推迟了计划杀害被定罪的凶手的计划,因为找不到及时的医疗专业人员。迈克尔·麦卡锡(Michael McCarthy)报道称,加利福尼亚州官员在无法找到愿意参加死刑的医务人员后,通过致命注射推迟了对被定罪的凶手的处决.46岁的迈克尔·安吉洛·莫拉莱斯(Michael Angelo Morales)的律师曾寻求中止执行死刑,该州的标准执行方法使囚犯承受了极大的痛苦,因此违反了《美国宪法》的第八条修正案,该修正案禁止“残忍和不寻常的惩罚”。1981年,时年21岁的莫拉莱斯与表弟里奇·奥尔特加(Ricky Ortega)遇害了17岁的特里·温切尔(Terri Winchell)。根据起诉书,奥尔特加对温彻尔很生气,因为她已经成为他的同性恋情人的女友。莫拉莱斯被裁定罪名成立,判处死刑。奥尔特加被判无期徒刑。莫拉莱斯的法律上诉和宽大请愿被驳回。目前的加利福尼亚执行协议要求给予5克巴比妥酸盐硫喷妥钠诱发昏迷,然后给予50或100毫克泛库溴铵诱发麻痹,然后再给予50至100毫克当量的氯化钾诱导心脏骤停。



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