首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Re: A multi-institutional evaluation of active surveillance for low risk prostate cancer. S. E. Eggener, A. Mueller, R. K. Berglund, R. Ayyathurai, C. Soloway, M. S. Soloway, R. Abouassaly, E. A. Klein, S. J. Jones, C. Zappavigna, L. Goldenberg, P. T. Scardino, J. A. Eastham and B. Guillonneau J Urol 2009; 181: 1635-1641.

Re: A multi-institutional evaluation of active surveillance for low risk prostate cancer. S. E. Eggener, A. Mueller, R. K. Berglund, R. Ayyathurai, C. Soloway, M. S. Soloway, R. Abouassaly, E. A. Klein, S. J. Jones, C. Zappavigna, L. Goldenberg, P. T. Scardino, J. A. Eastham and B. Guillonneau J Urol 2009; 181: 1635-1641.

机译:回复:针对低风险前列腺癌的主动监测的多机构评估。 SE Eggener,A.Mueller,RK Berglund,R.Ayyathurai,C.Soloway,MS Soloway,R.Abouassaly,EA克莱因,SJ Jones,C.Zappavigna,L.Goldenberg,PT Scardino,JA Eastham和B.Guillonneau J Urol 2009; 181:1635-1641。

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These authors report their multicenter experience of active surveillance for low risk prostate cancer. We were particularly interested in their opinions on the role of repeat prostate biopsies. They report that 19 of 157 cases were upgraded to Gleason 7 or greater at the followup biopsy, and an additional 7 failed active surveillance due to a higher volume of cancer in these biopsies. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) kinetics was not predictive of upgrading or higher volume disease. The authors believe their low rate of upgrading was due to performing restaging biopsies before enrollment in the active surveillance program, which reportedly excludes 27% of patients by allowing a more accurate diagnosis at the outset.
机译:这些作者报告了他们对低风险前列腺癌进行主动监测的多中心经验。我们对他们对重复前列腺活检的作用的观点特别感兴趣。他们报告说,在157例活检中,有19例在随访活检中升格为Gleason 7或更高,另外7例由于活检中癌症的增多而使主动监测失败。前列腺特异抗原(PSA)动力学不能预测疾病的升级或更大体积。作者认为,他们的低升级率是由于在参加主动监测计划之前进行了重新分期的活检,据报道,由于允许一开始就进行更准确的诊断,因此排除了27%的患者。



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