首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Clean Intermittent Catheterization in Children Through a Continent Catheterizable Channel: A Developing Country Experience

Clean Intermittent Catheterization in Children Through a Continent Catheterizable Channel: A Developing Country Experience


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Purpose: We evaluated the role of clean intermittent self-catheterization through a continent catheterizable Mitrofanoff channel in an augmented bladder in children with bladder dysfunction and outlet obstruction.Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the records of 82 patients treated at a public sector hospital with pediatric urology services in a developing country. Patients came from all provinces of the country with diverse ethnic, cultural, linguistic, socioeconomic and educational backgrounds.Results: Mean +- SD patient age was 9.07 +- 3.38 years (range 2.5 to 15) with a male-to-female ratio 2.5:1.0. The main congenital and acquired abnormalities were posterior urethral valves in 29% of patients, neuropathic bladder in 22%, nonneurogenic neurogenic bladder in 17%, exstrophy plus epispadias in 10% and urethral stricture in 7%. Augmentation cystoplasty was performed using various bowel segments. The Mitrofanoff channel was made using appendix in 70 cases and by the spiral Monti method in 12. A stoma was created in the right iliac fossa using VQZ plasty in 72 patients and an umbilical stoma was created in 10. Complications included bladder calculus in 3 patients, stomal stenosis in 2, subacute intestinal obstruction in 4 and acute intestinal obstruction in 1. Compliance was observed in greater than 90% of the patients at a mean followup of 860 days.Conclusions: In a developing country setting with a low socioeconomic and educational level it is possible to successfully perform augmentation cystoplasty with clean intermittent self-catheterization through a continent catheterizable channel in children with bladder dysfunction and outlet obstruction. The active role of pediatric urologists in the care, teaching and counseling together with free caVe to all are the reasons for acceptance and compliance.
机译:目的:我们评估了通过大陆性导管插入的Mitrofanoff通道在患有膀胱功能障碍和出口梗阻的儿童中通过清洁导管进行的间歇性自我导尿的作用。材料和方法:我们回顾性分析了82例在公共部门医院接受治疗的患者的记录。发展中国家的儿科泌尿科服务。患者来自全国所有省份,具有不同的种族,文化,语言,社会经济和教育背景。结果:±SD患者平均年龄为9.07±3.38岁(范围2.5至15岁),男女比例为2.5 :1.0。先天性和后天性异常主要是29%的患者后尿道瓣膜,22%的神经性膀胱,17%的非神经源性神经源性膀胱,10%的外生性和尿道上裂和7%的尿道狭窄。使用不同的肠段进行增强性膀胱成形术。使用阑尾制作Mitrofanoff通道70例,使用螺旋Monti法制作12例。使用VQZ成形术在右窝形成气孔72例,在脐带造口10例。并发症包括3例膀胱结石,气管狭窄2例,亚急性肠梗阻4例和急性肠梗阻1例。在90例患者中,平均随访860天,观察到了90%以上的患者依从性。结论:在发展中国家,社会经济和教育程度较低通过膀胱功能障碍和出口梗阻患儿,可以通过大陆性可导管通道成功进行干净的间歇性自我导管插入术,从而成功地进行隆突膀胱成形术。儿科泌尿科医师在护理,教学和咨询中的积极作用以及对所有人的免费护理是接受和遵守的原因。



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