首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, B. Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical >Simultaneous binding of minor groove binder and intercalator to dodecamer DNA: Importance of relative orientation of donor and acceptor in FRET

Simultaneous binding of minor groove binder and intercalator to dodecamer DNA: Importance of relative orientation of donor and acceptor in FRET


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In the present study, steady-state, picosecond time-resolved fluorescence and polarization gated anisotropy have been used to establish simultaneous binding of an intercalator (ethidium bromide, EtBr) and a minor groove binder (Hoeschst 33258, H258) to a dodecamer DNA of specific sequence. The Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies between the dyes H258 (donor) and EtBr (acceptor) in the dodecamer, where the ligands have a particular relative orientation of the transition dipoles, in contrast to the cases in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles and larger genomic DNA, where the orientations are random, reveal the effect of the binding geometry of the ligands in the constrained environment. Our study establishes that reconsideration of the value of the orientation factor (kappa(2)) is crucial for correct estimation of the donor-acceptor distance when the ligands are simultaneously bound to a specific region of biological macromolecules.
机译:在本研究中,稳态,皮秒时间分辨的荧光和极化门控各向异性已用于建立嵌入剂(溴化乙锭,EtBr)和小沟槽结合剂(Hoeschst 33258,H258)与十二指肠DNA的同时结合具体顺序。与十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)中的配体相比,十二配位体中的配体具有过渡偶极的特定相对取向,在十二碳烯中的染料H258(供体)和EtBr(受体)之间进行了Forster共振能量转移(FRET)研究。胶束和较大的基因组DNA(方向是随机的)揭示了在受限环境中配体结合几何形状的影响。我们的研究表明,当配体同时结合到生物大分子的特定区域时,重新考虑取向因子(kappa(2))的值对于正确估计供体-受体距离至关重要。



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