首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, B. Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical >Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Correlated Electrons in Solution.2.A Prediction for the Observation of Hydrated Dielectrons with Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Correlated Electrons in Solution.2.A Prediction for the Observation of Hydrated Dielectrons with Pump-Probe Spectroscopy


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The hydrated dielectron is a highly correlated,two-electron,solvent-supported state consisting of two spin-paired electrons confined to a single cavity in liquid water.Although dielectrons have been predicted to exist theoretically and have been used to explain the lack of ionic strength effect in the bimolecular reaction kinetics of hydrated electrons,they have not yet been observed directly.In this paper,we use the extensive nonadiabatic mixed quantum/classical excited-state molecular dynamics simulations from the previous paper to calculate the transient spectroscopy of hydrated dielectrons.Because our simulations use full configuration interaction (CI)to determine the ground and excited state two-electron wave functions at every instant,our nonequilibrium simulations allow us to compute the absorption,stimulated emission (SE),and bleach spectroscopic signals of both singlet and triplet dielectrons following excitation by ultraviolet light.Excited singlet dielectrons are predicted to display strong SE in the mid infrared and a transient absorption in the near-infrared.The near-infrared transient absorption of the singlet dielectron,which occurs near the peak of the (single)hydrated electron's equilibrium absorption,arises because the two electrons tend to separate in the excited state.In contrast,excitation of the hydrated electron gives a bleach signal in this wavelength region.Thus,our calculations suggest a clear pump-probe spectroscopic signature that may be used in the laboratory to distinguish hydrated singlet dielectrons from hydrated electrons:By choosing an excitation energy that is to the blue of the peak of the hydrated electron's absorption spectrum and probing near the maximum of the single electron's absorption,the single electron's transient bleach signal should shrink or even turn into a net absorption as sample conditions are varied to produce more dielectrons.
机译:水合双电子是一种高度相关的,由溶剂支撑的双电子状态,由两个自旋成对的电子限制在液态水中的一个空腔中。尽管已从理论上预测了双电子的存在,并已被用来解释缺乏离子的原因强度效应在水合电子的双分子反应动力学中的作用尚未直接观察到。本文中,我们使用先前论文中广泛的非绝热混合量子/经典激发态分子动力学模拟来计算水合双电子的瞬态光谱由于我们的仿真使用全配置相互作用(CI)来确定每个时刻的基态和激发态双电子波函数,因此我们的非平衡仿真可以计算两个单线态的吸收,受激发射(SE)和漂白光谱信号和三重态双电子被紫外线激发后。 o在中红外处显示强SE,在近红外处显示瞬态吸收。单态双电子的近红外瞬态吸收发生在(单)水合电子平衡吸收峰附近,这是因为两个电子趋于相比之下,水合电子的激发会在该波长区域产生漂白信号。因此,我们的计算表明存在清晰的泵浦探针光谱特征,可用于实验室中将水合单线态双电子与水合单态电子区分开电子:通过选择水合电子吸收谱峰的蓝色的激发能并探测单电子吸收的最大值附近,单电子的瞬态漂白信号应缩小甚至变成净吸收(作为样品条件)变化产生更多的双电子。



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