
Spectroscopy and Dynamics of K Atoms on Argon Clusters


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We present a combined experimental and simulation study of the 4s -> 4p photoexcitation of the K atom trapped at the surface of ArN clusters made of a few hundred Ar atoms. Our experimental method based on photoelectron spectroscopy allows us to firmly establish that one single K atom is trapped at the surface of the cluster. The absorption spectrum is characterized by the splitting of the atomic absorption line into two broad bands, a Pi band associated with p orbitals parallel to the cluster surface and a Sigma band associated with the perpendicular orientation. The spectrum is consistent with observations reported for K atoms trapped on lighter inert gas clusters, but the splitting between the Pi and Sigma bands is significantly larger. We show that a large amount of K atoms are transiently stuck and eventually lost by the Ar cluster, in contrast with previous observations reported for alkaline earth metal systems. The excitation in the Sigma band leads systematically to the ejection of the K atom from the Ar cluster. On the contrary, excitation in the Pi band leads to the formation of a bound state. In this case, the analysis of the experimental photoelectron spectrum by means of nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulation shows that the relaxation drives the system toward a basin where the coordination of the K atom is 2.2 Ar atoms on the average, in a poorly structured surface.
机译:我们提出了结合的实验和模拟研究,对由数百个Ar原子构成的ArN团簇表面捕获的K原子进行4s-> 4p光激发。我们基于光电子能谱的实验方法使我们能够牢固地确定一个单个K原子被困在簇的表面。吸收光谱的特征在于将原子吸收线分成两个宽频带,与平行于团簇表面的p轨道相关的Pi频带和与垂直取向相关的Sigma频带。该光谱与报道的关于在较轻的惰性气体团簇上捕获的K原子的观察结果一致,但是Pi和Sigma谱带之间的分裂明显更大。我们显示大量的K原子被Ar团簇短暂地卡住并最终丢失,这与以前报道的碱土金属系统的观察结果相反。 Sigma能带中的激发系统地导致了Ar团簇中K原子的射出。相反,在Pi带中激发导致形成结合态。在这种情况下,通过非绝热分子动力学模拟对实验光电子光谱的分析表明,弛豫将系统驱使向一个结构不良的表面中钾原子配位平均为2.2 Ar原子的盆地。



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