首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >TRPM2 channels are required for NMDA-induced burst firing and contribute to H2O2-dependent modulation in substantia nigra pars reticulata GABAergic neurons

TRPM2 channels are required for NMDA-induced burst firing and contribute to H2O2-dependent modulation in substantia nigra pars reticulata GABAergic neurons


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Substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) GABAergic neurons are projection neurons that convey output from the basal ganglia to target structures. These neurons exhibit spontaneous regular firing, but also exhibit burst firing in the presence of NMDA or when excitatory glutamatergic input to the SNr is activated. Notably, an increase in burst firing is also seen in Parkinson's disease. Therefore, elucidating conductances that mediate spontaneous activity and changes of firing pattern in these neurons is essential for understanding how the basal ganglia control movement. Using ex vivo slices of guinea pig midbrain, we show that SNr GABAergic neurons express transient receptor potential melastatin 2 (TRPM2) channels that underlie NMDA-induced burst firing. Furthermore, we show that spontaneous firing rate and burst activity are modulated by the reactive oxygen species H2O2 acting via TRPM2 channels. Thus, our results indicate that activation of TRPM2 channels is necessary for burst firing in SNr GABAergic neurons and their responsiveness to modulatory H2O2. These findings have implications not only for normal regulation, but also for Parkinson's disease, which involves excitotoxicity and oxidative stress.
机译:黑质网状线(SNr)GABA能神经元是投射神经元,将基底神经节的输出传递到靶标结构。这些神经元表现出自发的规律性放电,但在NMDA存在或激活对SNr的兴奋性谷氨酸能输入时,也表现出爆发性放电。值得注意的是,在帕金森氏病中也发现爆发性射击的增加。因此,阐明介导这些神经元的自发活动和放电模式变化的电导对于理解基底神经节如何控制运动至关重要。使用豚鼠中脑的离体切片,我们显示SNr GABA能神经元表达NMDA诱导的爆发放电基础的瞬时受体电位褪黑素2(TRPM2)通道。此外,我们表明,自发燃烧速率和爆发活性受通过TRPM2通道起作用的活性氧H2O2的调节。因此,我们的结果表明激活TRPM2通道对于SNr GABA能神经元的突发发射及其对调节性H2O2的响应是必需的。这些发现不仅对正常调节有影响,而且对涉及兴奋性毒性和氧化应激的帕金森氏病也有影响。



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