首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists >The Tumor Antigen NY-ESO-1 Mediates Direct Recognition of Melanoma Cells by CD4(+) T Cells after Intercellular Antigen Transfer

The Tumor Antigen NY-ESO-1 Mediates Direct Recognition of Melanoma Cells by CD4(+) T Cells after Intercellular Antigen Transfer


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NY-ESO-1-specific CD4(+) T cells are of interest for immune therapy against tumors, because it has been shown that their transfer into a patient with melanoma resulted in tumor regression. Therefore, we investigated how NY-ESO-1 is processed onto MHC class II molecules for direct CD4(+) T cell recognition of melanoma cells. We could rule out proteasome and autophagy-dependent endogenous Ag processing for MHC class II presentation. In contrast, intercellular Ag transfer, followed by classical MHC class II Ag processing via endocytosis, sensitized neighboring melanoma cells for CD4(+) T cell recognition. However, macroautophagy targeting of NY-ESO-1 enhanced MHC class II presentation. Therefore, both elevated NY-ESO-1 release and macroautophagy targeting could improve melanoma cell recognition by CD4(+) T cells and should be explored during immunotherapy of melanoma.
机译:NY-ESO-1特异的CD4(+)T细胞对于针对肿瘤的免疫疗法非常重要,因为已经证明它们转移到黑素瘤患者体内会导致肿瘤消退。因此,我们调查了如何将NY-ESO-1加工到II类MHC分子上,以直接识别黑素瘤细胞的CD4(+)T细胞。我们可以排除蛋白酶体和自噬依赖的内源性Ag加工用于MHC II类表现。相比之下,细胞间Ag转移,然后通过吞噬作用进行经典的MHC II类Ag处理,使邻近的黑色素瘤细胞对CD4(+)T细胞的识别敏感。但是,针对NY-ESO-1的巨噬细胞自噬增强了MHC II类表现。因此,升高的NY-ESO-1释放和巨噬细胞靶向均可改善CD4(+)T细胞对黑素瘤细胞的识别,因此在黑素瘤的免疫治疗中应加以探讨。



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