首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists >Retrogenic ICOS Expression Increases Differentiation of KLRG-1(hi)CD127(lo)CD8(+) T Cells during Listeria Infection and Diminishes Recall Responses

Retrogenic ICOS Expression Increases Differentiation of KLRG-1(hi)CD127(lo)CD8(+) T Cells during Listeria Infection and Diminishes Recall Responses


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Following T cell encounter with Ag, multiple signals are integrated to collectively induce distinct differentiation programs within Ag-specific CD8(+) T cell populations. Several factors contribute to these cell fate decisions, including the amount and duration of Ag, exposure to inflammatory cytokines, and degree of ligation of cosignaling molecules. The ICOS is not expressed on resting T cells but is rapidly upregulated upon encounter with Ag. However, the impact of ICOS signaling on programmed differentiation is not well understood. In this study, we therefore sought to determine the role of ICOS signaling on CD8(+) T cell programmed differentiation. Through the creation of novel ICOS retrogenic Ag-specific TCR-transgenic CD8(+) T cells, we interrogated the phenotype, functionality, and recall potential of CD8(+) T cells that receive early and sustained ICOS signaling during Ag exposure. Our results reveal that these ICOS signals critically impacted cell fate decisions of Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells, resulting in increased frequencies of KLRG-l(hi)CD127(lo) cells, altered BLIMP-1, T-bet, and eomesodermin expression, and increased cytolytic capacity as compared with empty vector controls. Interestingly, however, ICOS retrogenic CD8(+) T cells also preferentially homed to non lymphoid organs and exhibited reduced multicytokine functionality and reduced ability to mount secondary recall responses upon challenge in vivo. In sum, our results suggest that an altered differentiation program is induced following early and sustained ICOS expression, resulting in the generation of more cytolyticly potent, terminally differentiated effectors that possess limited capacity for recall response.
机译:T细胞与Ag接触后,整合了多个信号,共同在Ag特异性CD8(+)T细胞群体中共同诱导不同的分化程序。决定这些细胞命运的因素有几个,包括银的量和持续时间,暴露于炎性细胞因子以及共信号分子的连接程度。 ICOS在静止的T细胞上不表达,但在与Ag接触后迅速上调。但是,尚不十分了解ICOS信号对程序化分化的影响。因此,在这项研究中,我们试图确定ICOS信号在CD8(+)T细胞程序性分化中的作用。通过创建新型的ICOS逆行Ag特异性TCR转基因CD8(+)T细胞,我们询问在暴露于Ag期间接受早期和持续ICOS信号的CD8(+)T细胞的表型,功能和召回潜力。我们的结果表明,这些ICOS信号严重影响了Ag特异性CD8(+)T细胞的细胞命运决定,导致KLRG-1(hi)CD127(lo)细胞频率增加,BLIMP-1,T-bet和与空载体对照相比,eomesodermin表达增加,且细胞溶解能力增强。然而,有趣的是,ICOS逆转录CD8(+)T细胞也优先归巢于非淋巴器官,并表现出降低的多细胞因子功能和降低的在体内激发后产生二次召回反应的能力。总而言之,我们的结果表明,在早期和持续的ICOS表达后,诱导了分化程序的改变,导致产生了细胞分裂力更强,终末分化的效应子,其召回反应能力有限。



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