首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Potential energy landscape of the apparent first-order phase transition between low-density and high-density amorphous ice

Potential energy landscape of the apparent first-order phase transition between low-density and high-density amorphous ice


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The potential energy landscape (PEL) formalism is a valuable approach within statistical mechanics to describe supercooled liquids and glasses. Here we use the PEL formalism and computer simulations to study the pressure-induced transformations between low-density amorphous ice (LDA) and highdensity amorphous ice (HDA) at different temperatures. We employ the ST2 water model for which the LDA-HDA transformations are remarkably sharp, similar to what is observed in experiments, and reminiscent of a first-order phase transition. Our results are consistent with the view that LDA and HDA configurations are associated with two distinct regions (megabasins) of the PEL that are separated by a potential energy barrier. At higher temperature, we find that low-density liquid (LDL) configurations are located in the same megabasin as LDA, and that high-density liquid (HDL) configurations are located in the same megabasin as HDA. We show that the pressure-induced LDL-HDL and LDA-HDA transformations occur along paths that interconnect these two megabasins, but that the path followed by the liquid is different from the path followed by the amorphous solid. At higher pressure, we also study the liquid-to-ice-VII first-order phase transition, and find that the behavior of the PEL properties across this transition is qualitatively similar to the changes found during the LDA-HDA transformation. This similarity supports the interpretation that the LDA-HDA transformation is a first-order phase transition between out-of-equilibrium states. Finally, we compare the PEL properties explored during the LDA-HDA transformations in ST2 water with those reported previously for SPC/E water, for which the LDA-HDA transformations are rather smooth. This comparison illuminates the previous work showing that, at accessible computer times scales, a liquid-liquid phase transition occurs in the case of ST2 water, but not for SPC/E water. Published by AIP Publishing.
机译:势能格局(PEL)形式主义是统计力学中描述过冷液体和玻璃的一种有价值的方法。在这里,我们使用PEL形式主义和计算机模拟来研究在不同温度下低密度无定形冰(LDA)和高密度无定形冰(HDA)之间的压力诱导转变。我们采用ST2水模型,其LDA-HDA转换非常明显,类似于在实验中观察到的,并且让人联想到一阶相变。我们的结果与以下观点一致:LDA和HDA配置与PEL的两个不同区域(巨型盆地)相关联,这些区域被势能垒隔开。在较高的温度下,我们发现低密度液体(LDL)配置与LDA位于相同的巨型盆地中,而高密度液体(HDL)配置与HDA位于相同的巨型盆地中。我们表明,压力诱导的LDL-HDL和LDA-HDA转换沿着将这两个巨型流域互连的路径发生,但是液体所遵循的路径与非晶态固体所遵循的路径不同。在更高的压力下,我们还研究了液体-冰-VII的一阶相变,发现在此相变期间PEL特性的行为在质量上与LDA-HDA转化过程中的变化相似。这种相似性支持了以下解释:LDA-HDA变换是不平衡状态之间的一阶相变。最后,我们将ST2水中LDA-HDA转化过程中探索的PEL特性与先前报道的SPC / E水中的PEL特性进行了比较,因为LDA-HDA转化相当顺利。该比较阐明了先前的工作,该工作表明,在ST2水而非SPC / E水的情况下,在可访问的计算机时间标度下,会发生液-液相转变。由AIP Publishing发布。



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