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Breeding system of the aerial flowers in an amphicarpic clover species: Trifolium polymorphum


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Two perennial Trifolium, T. polymorphum Poir. and T. argentinense Speg., are American clovers unique within the genus for being amphicarpic. There is no consensus in the literature regarding the breeding system of the aerial flowers of T. polymorphum, therefore, the breeding system was studied. In 1997 T. polymorphum was collected in Uruguay and evaluated at INIA Tacuarembo. In 2001, 10 field patches were marked and in 2004, 20 plants per patch were characterized with simple sequence repeat markers. Patch J10 showed a particular molecular profile, therefore, 198 open-pollinated progenies freely visited by honeybees were studied. In 2005, at the University of Florida, Gainesville, different hand-pollination treatments were conducted within an accession from Paraguay. Trifolium polymorphum was able to cross-pollinate with all the known pollen donors molecularly marked that surrounded plants from patch J10 (30%), also with some nonmarked native ones from the vicinity (10%) as well as with itself (60%), when allowed to be visited by honeybees. However, when there are no pollinators, the selfing rate is minimal. The proposed classification for the breeding system is an allogamous, self-compatible species that benefits from pollinators to set seed..
机译:两个多年生的三叶草,T。polymorphum Poir。和T. argentinense Speg。,是两栖类中唯一的美国三叶草。关于多形金莲花气生花的育种系统在文献上没有共识,因此,对育种系统进行了研究。 1997年,在乌拉圭收集了多形山毛榉,并在INIA Tacuarembo进行了评估。 2001年,对10个田间斑块进行了标记,2004年,使用简单的序列重复标记物对每个斑块上的20株植物进行了鉴定。 J10补丁显示出特定的分子特征,因此,研究了蜜蜂自由访问的198个开放授粉后代。 2005年,在来自盖恩斯维尔的佛罗里达大学,巴拉圭的入藏物种进行了不同的手传授粉处理。多形叶三叶草能够与所有已知的分子标记的花粉供体交叉授粉,这些供体围绕着补丁J10的植物(占30%),也与周围的一些未标记的原生植物(占10%)以及自身(占60%)交配,允许蜜蜂参观时。但是,当没有授粉媒介时,自交率极低。拟议的育种系统分类是同种异体,自交配物种,得益于传粉媒介结实种子。



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