首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Water coordination structures and the excess free energy of the liquid

Water coordination structures and the excess free energy of the liquid


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We assess the contribution of each coordination state to the hydration free energy of a distinguished water molecule, the solute water. We define a coordination sphere, the inner-shell, and separate the hydration free energy into packing, outer-shell, and local, solute-specific (chemical) contributions. The coordination state is defined by the number of solvent water molecules within the coordination sphere. The packing term accounts for the free energy of creating a solute-free coordination sphere in the liquid. The outer-shell contribution accounts for the interaction of the solute with the fluid outside the coordination sphere and it is accurately described by a Gaussian model of hydration for coordination radii greater than the minimum of the oxygen-oxygen pair-correlation function: theory helps identify the length scale to parse chemical contributions from bulk, nonspecific contributions. The chemical contribution is recast as a sum over coordination states. The nth term in this sum is given by the probability pn of observing n water molecules inside the coordination sphere in the absence of the solute water times a factor accounting for the free energy, W_n, of forming an n-water cluster around the solute. The pn factors thus reflect the intrinsic properties of the solvent while W_n accounts for the interaction between the solute and inner-shell solvent ligands. W_e monitor the chemical contribution to the hydration free energy by progressively adding solvent ligands to the inner-shell and find that four-water molecules are needed to fully account for the chemical term. For a chemically meaningful coordination radius, we find that W_4 ≈ W_1 and thus the interaction contribution is principally accounted for by the free energy for forming a one-water cluster, and intrinsic occupancy factors alone account for over half of the chemical contribution. Our study emphasizes the need to acknowledge the intrinsic solvent properties in interpreting the hydration structure of any solute, with particular care in cases where the solute-solvent interaction strength is similar to that between the solvent molecules.



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