首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Thermal and electrical properties of porphyrin derivatives and their relevance for molecule interferometry

Thermal and electrical properties of porphyrin derivatives and their relevance for molecule interferometry


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The authors present new measurements of thermal and electrical properties for two porphyrin derivatives.They determine their sublimation enthalpy from the temperature dependence of the effusive beam intensity.The authors study H2TPP and Fe(TPP)Cl in matter-wave interferometry.Both molecules have nearly equal de Broglie wavelengths but different internal characteristics: only Fe(TPP)Cl exhibits an electric dipole moment of about 2.7 D and the authors discuss its influence on the molecular interference pattern.The authors add an external electric force field to the interferometer and use it to measure the scalar polarizability.They compare their experimental values alpha(H2TPP) = 105+-4+-6 A3 and alpha(Fe(TPP)Cl) = 102+-9+-6 A3 to ab initio calculations and they discuss the influence of thermal excitations on the polarizability.
机译:作者介绍了两种卟啉衍生物的热学性质和电学性质的新测量方法,并根据射束强度的温度依赖性确定了它们的升华焓。研究物质波干涉法中的H2TPP和Fe(TPP)Cl两种分子都有德布罗意波长相等,但内部特性不同:只有Fe(TPP)Cl表现出约2.7 D的电偶极矩,作者讨论了其对分子干涉图的影响。作者在干涉仪上添加了外部电场并使用为了测量标量极化率,他们将实验值alpha(H2TPP)= 105 + -4 + -6 A3和alpha(Fe(TPP)Cl)= 102 + -9 + -6 A3进行了从头算计算,并讨论了热激发对极化率的影响。



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