首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Dissociative electron attachment to nitroethane:C_2H_5NO_2

Dissociative electron attachment to nitroethane:C_2H_5NO_2


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Dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to nitroethane(C_2H_5NO_2) in the gas phase is studied using a crossed electron-molecule beams technique.The ion yields for particular fragment ions were measured in the electron energy rnage form 0 to 9.5 eV with an electron energy resolution of about 120 meV.In contrast to previous studies additional negatie ions,i.e.,HCN~- and NO~-,were observed.measures for the absolute partial cross sections were obtained for the ions using a calibration technique involving a comparison with the known cross section of the 0.8eV peak in DEA to CCl_4.The dominant neative ion product is NO~-_2 with a cross section of approximately 11X10~-22 m~2 at 0.75eV.The vlues of the cross section estimates for the other ions are about sigma9C_2H_3NO~-_2) =4X10~-24 m~2 at approx 0 eV,sigma(O~-)=5X10~-24 m~2 at 5.7 eV,sigma(OH~-)=2X10~-24 m~2 at 5.7 eV,sigma(CN~-)=5X10~-24 m~2 at 1.7eV,sigma(CNO~-)=3X10~-25 m~2 at approx 4.5 eV,sigma(HCN~-)=3X10~-25m~2 at approx 8eV.
机译:使用交叉电子-分子束技术研究了气相中与硝基乙烷(C_2H_5NO_2)的离解电子附着(DEA)。以0至9.5 eV的电子能谱测量了特定碎片离子的离子产率,并具有电子能级大约为120 meV。与以前的研究相反,观察到了另外的负离子,即HCN〜-和NO〜-。使用校准技术(包括与已知交叉离子的比较)获得了离子的绝对部分截面的测量方法DEA到CCl_4的0.8eV峰的截面。主导本征离子产物是NO〜-_2,在0.75eV处的截面约为11X10〜-22 m〜2。其他离子的截面估算值是大约sigma9C_2H_3NO〜-_2)= 4X10〜-24 m〜2在大约0 eV时,sigma(O〜-)= 5X10〜-24 m〜2在5.7 eV,sigma(OH〜-)= 2X10〜-24 m〜 2在5.7 eV时,sigma(CN〜-)= 5X10〜-24 m〜2在1.7eV时,sigma(CNO〜-)= 3X10〜-25 m〜2在大约4.5 eV时,sigma(HCN〜-)= 3X10约8eV时〜-25m〜2。



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