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Genetic Analysis of Slow-Rusting Resistance to Leaf Rust in Durum Wheat


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Leaf rust (caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks.) is a widespread disease of wheat (Triticum spp.) that can be controlled effectively through the use of genetic resistance. Little is known about the slow-rusting type of resistance to leaf rust in durum wheat [Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum (Desf.) Husn.]. The genetic basis of slow-rusting resistance was investigated in eight International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)-derived durum wheat lines. The slow-rusting parents and the susceptible 'Atil C2000' were intercrossed in a half-diallel arrangement, and the populations were advanced to the F 3 or F. generation. The F 3 and F 5 populations were evaluated in the field under artificial epidemics of P. triticina race BBG/BN. Both quantitative and qualitative models were applied to estimate the number of slow-rusting resistance genes. Results indicate that slow-rusting resistance to leaf rust in durum wheat lines 'Playero', 'Planeta', and 'Trile' was controlled by at least three independently inherited genes that interacted in an additive manner, whereas the slow-rusting resistance in 'Piquero', 'Amic', 'Bergand', 'Tagua', and 'Knipa' was determined by at least two genes with additive effects. Transgressive segregation was observed among the progenies from intercrosses of resistant parents, suggesting that some of the genes were nonallelic. The narrow-sense heritability for slow-rusting resistance was high (0.77-0.94). The diverse slow-rusting resistant parents can be used in developing cultivars with durable and high levels of resistance to leaf rust in durum wheat.
机译:叶锈病(由小麦锈病引起)是一种普遍存在的小麦病(小麦属),可以通过利用遗传抗性有效控制。关于硬质小麦中的抗叶锈病的慢锈类型[Triticum turgidum L. ssp。杜伦(Desf。)Husn。]。在八个国际玉米和小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)衍生的硬质小麦品系中研究了抗慢锈性的遗传基础。慢锈病的父母和易感的“ Atil C2000”以半直径排列的方式交配,种群前进到F 3或F.代。在田间疟原虫种族BBG / BN的人为流行中,对F 3和F 5种群进行了野外评估。定量和定性模型均用于估计慢锈抗性基因的数量。结果表明,硬粒小麦“ Playero”,“ Planeta”和“ Trile”品系对叶锈病的耐慢锈性受到至少三个独立遗传的基因的控制,这些基因以加性方式相互作用。 Piquero”,“ Amic”,“ Bergand”,“ Tagua”和“ Knipa”由至少两个具有加性效应的基因确定。在抗性亲本的杂交后代中观察到过分的分离,表明一些基因是非等位基因。抗慢锈性的狭义遗传力很高(0.77-0.94)。多种耐慢锈病的亲本可用于发展对硬质小麦具有持久且高水平的抗叶锈病的品种。



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