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Fewer firms allowed to ship coal through Australia’s Port Waratah terminals

机译:允许通过澳大利亚的Port Waratah码头运输煤炭的公司更少

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Perth—Port Waratah Coal Services is changing the number of companies able to ship coal exports through its two coal terminals at Newcastle port in eastern Australia from January, with some market sources saying the number of PWCS coal shippers could fall to as few as eight. To qualify for an export allocation next year in the PWCSoperated terminals — the largest coal exports facility in Australia — companies will have to ship at least 1 million mt of coal exports in the 2013 calendar year, and up from last year’s volume requirement of 500,000 mt, said market sources.
机译:珀斯— Waratah港口煤炭服务公司正改变从1月份开始能够通过其位于澳大利亚东部纽卡斯尔港口的两个煤炭码头运送煤炭出口的公司的数量,一些市场消息人士称,PWCS煤炭运送人的数量可能会减少至8个。为了获得明年在PWCS运营的码头(澳大利亚最大的煤炭出口设施)中获得出口分配的资格,公司必须在2013日历年运送至少100万吨煤炭,而去年的需求量为500,000吨市场人士说。



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