首页> 外文期刊>Plant physiology >Inhibition of Auxin Signaling in Frankia Species-Infected Cells in Casuarina glauca Nodules Leads to Increased Nodulation

Inhibition of Auxin Signaling in Frankia Species-Infected Cells in Casuarina glauca Nodules Leads to Increased Nodulation


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Actinorhizal symbioses are mutualistic interactions between plants and the soil bacteria Frankia spp. that lead to the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules. The plant hormone auxin has been suggested to play a role in the mechanisms that control the establishment of this symbiosis in the actinorhizal tree Casuarina glauca. Here, we analyzed the role of auxin signaling in Frankia spp.-infected cells. Using a dominant-negative version of an endogenous auxin-signaling regulator, INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID7, we established that inhibition of auxin signaling in these cells led to increased nodulation and, as a consequence, to higher nitrogen fixation per plant even if nitrogen fixation per nodule mass was similar to that in the wild type. Our results suggest that auxin signaling in Frankia spp.-infected cells is involved in the long-distance regulation of nodulation in actinorhizal symbioses.
机译:放线菌共生是植物与土壤细菌Frankia spp之间的相互影响。导致固氮根瘤的形成。已建议植物激素生长素在控制放线in树木麻黄中这种共生建立的机制中起作用。在这里,我们分析了生长素信号传导在Frankia spp。感染的细胞中的作用。我们使用内源性生长素信号调节剂INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID7的显性负离子版本,我们发现这些细胞中生长素信号的抑制导致结瘤增加,因此即使每株氮也能使每株植物固氮更高每个结节肿块的固定方式与野生型相似。我们的结果表明,Frankia spp。感染的细胞中的生长素信号传导参与了放线菌共生中结节的远距离调控。


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