首页> 外文期刊>Plant physiology >A Specialized Histone H1 Variant Is Required for Adaptive Responses to Complex Abiotic Stress and Related DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis

A Specialized Histone H1 Variant Is Required for Adaptive Responses to Complex Abiotic Stress and Related DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis


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Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland (K.R., J.H.-P., M.L., M.Kot., A.M., R.I.-N., A.F., P.Z., P.S., S.S., M.Kob., A.J.); Laboratory of Systems Biology, University of Warsaw, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland (M.P., M.Kot., B.L., R.I.-N., K.L.-K., P.S., M.Kob., R.A., A.J.); Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Rzeszow, 36-100 Kolbuszowa, Poland (J.H.-P.); College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Warsaw, 02-089 Warsaw, Poland (M.A.K.); Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, Center of New Technologies (L.K., A.M., K.G.), and Institute of Informatics (K.B., J.T., B.W.), University of Warsaw, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland; Department of Plant Physiology, University of Agriculture in Cracow, 30-239 Cracow, Poland (K.S.-S., J.K., K.Z., M.R.); Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 30-239 Cracow, Poland (F.J.); and Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, 50411 Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia (I.J., H.K.)
机译:波兰科学院生物化学与生物物理研究所,波兰华沙02-106(KR,JH-P。,ML,M.Kot。,AM,RI-N。,AF,PZ,PS,SS,M.Kob 。,AJ);华沙大学系统生物学实验室,02-106,波兰华沙(M.P.,M.Kot。,B.L.,R.I.-N.,K.L.K.,P.S.,M.Kob。,R.A.,A.J.);热舒夫大学植物生理研究所,波兰Kolbuszowa 36-100(J.H.-P.);华沙大学数学与自然科学系跨学科个人研究学院,波兰华沙02-089(M.A.K.);华沙大学新技术中心(L.K.,A.M.,K.G.)生物信息学和系统生物学实验室和信息学研究所(K.B.,J.T.,B.W.),波兰华沙02-097;波兰克拉科夫30-239克拉科夫农业大学植物生理学系(K.S.-S.,J.K.,K.Z.,M.R.);波兰科学院植物生理研究所,波兰克拉科夫30-239(F.J.);塔尔图大学技术研究所,爱沙尼亚塔尔图玛市塔尔图50411(I.J.,H.K.)


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