首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, E. Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics >Functional integral approach: A third formulation of quantum statistical mechanics - art. no. 026118

Functional integral approach: A third formulation of quantum statistical mechanics - art. no. 026118

机译:功能积分法:量子统计力学的第三种提法-艺术。没有。 026118

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Quantum statistical mechanics has developed primarily through two approaches, pioneered by Gibbs and Feymnan, respectively. In Gibbs' method one calculates partition functions from phase-space integrations or sums over stationary states. Alternatively, in Feynman's approach, the focus is on the path-integral formulation. The Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation leads to a functional-integral formulation for calculating partition functions. We outline here the functional integral approach to quantum statistical mechanics, including generalizations and improvements to Hubbard's formulation. We show how the dimensionality of the integrals is reduced exactly, how the problem of assuming an unknown canonical transformation is avoided, how the reality of the partition function in the complex representation is guaranteed, and how the extremum conditions are simplified. This formulation can be applied to general systems, including superconductors. [References: 27]
机译:量子统计力学主要通过两种方法发展,分别由Gibbs和Feymnan率先提出。在吉布斯(Gibbs)的方法中,一种方法是根据相空间积分或平稳状态下的总和来计算分区函数。另外,在费曼的方法中,重点是路径积分公式。 Hubbard-Stratonovich变换导致用于计算分区函数的函数积分公式。我们在这里概述了量子统计力学的功能积分方法,包括对哈伯德公式的概括和改进。我们展示了如何精确地减小积分的维数,如何避免假设未知正则变换的问题,如何保证复数表示中的分割函数的现实以及如何简化极值条件。该公式可应用于包括超导体在内的一般系统。 [参考:27]



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