首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics >Optical lattices with large scattering length: Using few-body physics to simulate an electron-phonon system

Optical lattices with large scattering length: Using few-body physics to simulate an electron-phonon system


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We propose to go beyond the usual Hubbard model description of atoms in optical lattices and show how few-body physics can be used to simulate many-body phenomena, e.g., an electron-phonon system.We take one atomic species to be trapped in a deep optical lattice at full-filling and another to be untrapped spin-polarized fermions (which do not see the optical lattice) but to have an s-wave contact interaction with the first species. For large positive scattering length on the order of lattice spacing, the usual two-body bound (dimer) states overlap forming giant orbitals extending over the entire lattice, which can be viewed as an "electronic" band for the untrapped species while the trapped atoms become the "ions" with their own on-site dynamics, thereby simulating an electron-phonon system with renormalization of the phonon frequencies and Peierls transitions. This setup requires large scattering lengths but minimizes losses, does not need higher bands, and adds degrees of freedom which cannot easily be described in terms of lattice variables, thus opening up intriguing possibilities to explore interesting physics at the interface between few-body and many-body systems.
机译:我们提议超越通常的哈伯德模型描述光学晶格中的原子,并展示如何用少体物理学来模拟多体现象,例如电子声子系统。我们将一个原子种困在一个原子中。深光学晶格处于完全填充状态,另一个是未捕获的自旋极化费米子(看不到光学晶格),但与第一个物种具有s波接触相互作用。对于大的正散射长度(晶格间距),通常的两体束缚(二聚体)状态重叠,从而形成在整个晶格上延伸的巨型轨道,这可以看作是未捕获物质的“电子”能带,而被捕获的原子成为具有自身现场动力学的“离子”,从而通过重新规范声子频率和Peierls跃迁来模拟电子声子系统。这种设置需要较大的散射长度,但需要最大程度地减少损耗,不需要更高的谱带,并且增加了自由度,而自由度是很难用晶格变量描述的,从而为在多体与多体之间的界面探索有趣的物理学提供了有趣的可能性。 -身体系统。



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