首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics >Phase-encoded measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with practical spontaneous-parametric-down-conversion sources

Phase-encoded measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with practical spontaneous-parametric-down-conversion sources


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Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) with weak coherent sources has been widely and meticulously analyzed. However, the analysis for MDI-QKD with spontaneous-parametric-down-conversion sources (SPDCS) is incomplete. In this paper, we propose two passive decoy protocols suitable for parameter estimation in MDI-QKD using SPDCS. By accounting for practical parameters of SPDCS with thermal distribution, we present an investigation on the performances of MDI-QKD under the active three-intensity decoy protocol, the passive two-intensity decoy protocol, and the modified passive three-intensity protocol, respectively. Phase randomization, inherently a prerequisite for decoy protocol, is taken into consideration for evaluating the overall quantum bit gain and quantum bit error rate. The numerical simulations show that the MDI-QKD using SPDCS with practical decoy protocols can be demonstrated to be comparable to the asymptotical case and has apparent superiority both in transmission distance and key generation rate compared to the one using weak coherent sources. Our results also indicate that the modified passive three-intensity decoy protocol can perform better than the active three-intensity decoy protocol in MDI-QKD using practical SPDCS.



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