首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics >Noiseless suppression of losses in optical quantum communication with conventional on-off photon detectors

Noiseless suppression of losses in optical quantum communication with conventional on-off photon detectors


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The losses in a bosonic channel are the primary source of errors in current optic quantum communications. Astonishingly, by combining the noiseless attenuation and noiseless linear amplification, Mi?uda showed that the unavoidable losses in optic links can be compensated in a nondeterministically but heralded way (M. Micuda, I. Straka, M. Mikova, M. Dusek, N. J. Cerf, J. Fiurasek, and M. Jezek, arXiv:1206.2852). Here we analyze their noiseless loss suppression scheme in a more realistic scenario in which conventional on-off photon detectors as well as the heralded single photon are involved. We use the Wigner function method and investigate the performance of loss suppression in all Fock state space. The noiseless loss suppression for transmitting a weak coherent and single-mode squeezing state are investigated. All these results show that the noiseless attenuation and noiseless linear amplification, if combined, could help to eliminate the channel loss and could be beneficial in future quantum communication.
机译:玻色子信道中的损耗是当前光量子通信中错误的主要来源。令人惊讶的是,通过将无噪声衰减和无噪声线性放大相结合,Mi?uda证明了光链路中不可避免的损耗可以用不确定的方式来补偿(M. Micuda,I。Straka,M。Mikova,M。Dusek,NJ Cerf,J.Fiurasek和M.Jezek,arXiv:1206.2852)。在这里,我们在更现实的情况下分析了它们的无噪声损耗抑制方案,其中涉及常规的开关光子检测器以及先驱先驱光子。我们使用Wigner函数方法并研究在所有Fock状态空间中的损耗抑制性能。研究了传输弱相干和单模压缩状态的无噪声损耗抑制。所有这些结果表明,如果将无噪声衰减和无噪声线性放大相结合,则将有助于消除信道损耗,并可能对未来的量子通信有所帮助。



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