首页> 外文期刊>Physical chemistry chemical physics: PCCP >Structural, electronic and energetic properties of giant icosahedral fullerenes up to C_(60)00: insights from an ab initio hybrid DFT study

Structural, electronic and energetic properties of giant icosahedral fullerenes up to C_(60)00: insights from an ab initio hybrid DFT study


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The properties of the (n,n) icosahedral family of carbon fullerenes up to n = 10 (6000 atoms) have been investigated through ab initio quantum-mechanical simulation by using a Gaussian type basis set of double zeta quality with polarization functions (84 000 atomic orbitals for the largest case), the hybrid B3LYP functional and the CRYSTAL14 code featuring generalization of symmetry treatment. The geometry of giant fullerenes shows hybrid features, between a polyhedron and a sphere; as n increases, it approaches the former. Hexagon rings at face centres take a planar, graphene-like configuration; the 12 pentagon rings at vertices impose, however, a severe structural constraint to which hexagon rings at the edges must adapt smoothly, adopting a bent (rather than sharp) transversal profile and an inward longitudinal curvature. The HOMO and LUMO electronic levels, as well as the band gap, are well described using power laws. The gap is predicted to become zero for n s 34 (69360 atoms). The atomic excess energy with respect to the ideal graphene sheet goes to zero following the log(N_(at))/ N_(at) law, which is well described through the continuum elastic theory applied to graphene; the limits for the adopted model are briefly outlined. Compared to larger fullerenes of the series, C_(60) shows unique features with respect to all the considered properties; C240 presents minor structural and energetic peculiarities, too.
机译:通过使用具有极化函数的双zeta质量的高斯类型基组从头进行量子力学模拟,研究了n = 10(6000个原子)的碳富勒烯(n,n)二十面体家族的性质。原子轨道(最大的情况),混合的B3LYP函数和CRYSTAL14代码具有对称处理的通用性。巨型富勒烯的几何形状在多面体和球体之间显示出杂化特征。随着n的增加,它接近前者。面心处的六边形环呈石墨烯状的平面结构;但是,顶点处的12个五边形环施加了严格的结构约束,边缘处的六边形环必须平滑地适应该结构,并采用弯曲(而不是尖锐的)横向轮廓和向内的纵向曲率。使用功率定律很好地描述了HOMO和LUMO电子水平仪以及带隙。预计该间隙对于n s 34(69360原子)将为零。遵循log(N_(at))/ N_(at)定律,相对于理想石墨烯片材的原子过剩能量变为零,这可以通过应用于石墨烯的连续弹性理论很好地描述。简要概述了所采用模型的限制。与该系列较大的富勒烯相比,C_(60)在所有考虑的性质上均表现出独特的功能; C240也具有较小的结构和能量特性。



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